The Canary Islands joins the CCAA in urging health to address the lack of MIR places in family medicine

01/20/2024 The Minister of Health, Mónica García, makes a statement to the press after meeting with candidates taking the MIR exam at the Ministry of Health in Madrid (Spain), January 20, 2024. There will be 13,990 applicants in this call, which shows an increase of 10.4% compared to 2023, i.e. 1,315 more candidates will appear. These 13,990 recent graduates who have got admission in the MIR exam will be eligible for 8,772 places (of which 2,492 are allocated for Family Medicine). Thus, the ratio is 1.6 doctors for each post, that is, more than 5,200 applicants will not be able to start their specialized training this year. Pérez Meca – Europa Press

The Ministry of Health of the Canary Islands Government follows a declaration signed by several communities to urge the Ministry of Health to adopt measures at national level to address the shortage in Family and Community Medicine Resident Internal Physician (MIR) posts. And also on the recognition criteria of these experts. In this way, the Canary Islands join the Basque Country, Andalusia, Catalonia, Castilla y León, Aragon, La Rioja, Murcia, Madrid, Valencia, Extremadura, Galicia, the Balearic Islands and Cantabria, which have already signed this declaration. Have given. Reforms in the primary care sector, as explained by the Regional Executive in a press release. The manifesto, which was promoted by the governments of Galicia and the Basque Country, demands urgent measures from the Ministry of Health due to the shortage of doctors in primary care and concrete action to reduce the shortage of MIR places in family and community medicine. Makes a proposal. , Furthermore, the document contains six proposals for immediate measures of ministerial capacity that could contribute to solving the situation of MIR shortage in primary care, while at the same time it forms the basis of “a great national agreement” on shock measures. Can work as. To tackle a problem that is currently affecting professionals and patients across the country. Among the proposals for urgent measures of ministerial competence included in the document that could contribute to solving the situation of MIR shortage in primary care, he calls for guaranteeing that the system for choosing MIR places takes into account the vacant places. does not give up because “”it is necessary to find extraordinary solutions that would make it easier to fill all the places offered.” Also requests an immediate expansion of the number of specialized medical training places in family and community medicine in order to be able to face the generational change. That is why it is necessary to revise the rules on accreditation requirements for teaching units to make the process more flexible and agile. Similarly, the current and future deficit situation due to planned retirement should be considered. It is considered necessary to call for exceptional MIR posts in the specialization of family and community medicine in order to stimulate the increase in these posts by fine. The document also highlights the importance of developing tools that will enable the national health system to function in the future. Allowing you to plan your training offering more rigorously. Finally, and within the framework of the Primary Care Action Plan 2022-2023 adopted by the Interterritorial Council of the SNS, they propose to promote and implement all measures that promote the qualification development of doctors specializing in family and community medicine. Provide facilities, provide them. The time and space to reclaim its role as the backbone of the best comprehensive care for citizens.

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