The deadline for abstract submission for the XXVI Enembe International Congress of Bovine Medicine is 30 January

The meeting of the National Association of Specialists in Bovine Medicine will take place in Córdoba from 24 to 25 April. Interested parties can still send their messages.

The deadline for abstract submission for the XXVI Enembe International Congress of Bovine Medicine is 30 JanuaryA moment from the last Congress (Image: Enembe).

The next XXVI Enembe International Congress of Bovine Medicine will take place in Córdoba from 24 to 26 April. The National Association of Bovine Medicine Specialists invites all professionals and experts in the field of veterinary medicine to actively participate in this outstanding event in the calendar of veterinary medicine. One of the most important aspects of the congress is the presentation of clinical and applied research works, allowing to share progress and knowledge in the field of bovine medicine. Enembe members and various organizations including universities and research centers are invited to contribute to this platform. The submission deadline is next Tuesday, January 30th.

Those interested in presenting their work can find the basis and guidelines for free communication at this link. Works relating to all areas of beatrix will be accepted, with emphasis on those that are relevant because of their practical interest.

The process of submitting complete documents will remain active till January 30, 2024. Papers can be written in Spanish or English and must have a maximum length of 800 words. Each work must include the title in Spanish and English, as well as the names of the authors and their affiliations.

Authors will have the option to indicate their preference between presenting their work orally or in poster format. Communications sent will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, which will decide on their acceptance and publication. Authors will receive notification of acceptance of their work on March 20, 2024.

During the Congress, accepted papers will be presented in oral presentation sessions or through poster presentations, as determined by the Scientific Committee. Each session will have a moderator who will facilitate coordination and answer attendees’ questions. Oral presentations will last 10 minutes, followed by an additional 5 minutes for questions. Poster authors will have 2 minutes to defend their work in the designated area.

It is important to highlight that it will be mandatory for at least one of the authors of each work to register with Congress before March 28, which will allow their publication. In addition, one of the authors will be entitled to a reduced price for registration at the Congress.

All work submitted will be considered for awards for best scientific communication, and the basis and characteristics of these awards will be detailed in the programme.

More information about Congress on official website.


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