The dean who expelled a journalist from the university will try to leave Cuba

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Monday 12 February 2024

Dénia María Santi Morlanes, regime official and dean of the Faculty of Languages ​​and Communications of the University of Camagüey, who expelled the journalist José Luis Tan Estrada from that house of higher education,

A source told the outlet Cubans around the world According to what she anonymously told the page, the former dean may be trying to immigrate to Uruguay.

“She is leaving the country on March 8,” the source said, adding that Dania would travel in the company of her husband, a former Interior Ministry official linked to warehouse robberies and acts of corruption in Camagüey. ,

“As is the case in these cases, the official deleted his Facebook posts, including one about Tan’s expulsion, where he had argued that the journalist was ‘clear in his departure from the ideology and values ​​of the revolution,'” He condemned. For its part, La Hora de Cuba.

“Years ago, Dania herself was in charge of informing José Raúl Gallego, another teacher and currently a freelance journalist, about the expulsion,” the aforementioned media report said.

Tan Estrada, who was a professor at the Faculty of Journalism of the University of Camagüey, Ignacio Agramonte, was expelled from that educational institution for his “political stance against the system”, as stated on his Facebook profile.

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