The destruction of leaders of Chavista groups who became critical of the Venezuelan regime

Some groups are Chavismo shock groups against opponents or those who demand or oppose rights to public services or health or education.

Venezuelan regime uses Administration of justice as a means of political justification or judicial oppressionDisabling or provoking popular disapproval against opponents of any trend, with the appearance of legitimacy, known as legal warfare (in English) Law and order, This action against political opponents has been extended to groups of the Bolivarian Revolution who have not followed certain government policies or have not taken a significant position in social, political or judicial matters. Some people have been killed, some are missingIn the midst of information opacity.

Many violent or attacking actions promoted by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) through shock groups or armed gangs have been carried out through campaigns or slogans such as “Red Fury”, “Tun Tun”, “Bolivarian Fury”among others.

The threats are not recent. Hugo Chávez gave strength to Bolivarian circles, some of which developed into violent groups that attacked opposition leaders. Collective groups support is addedMainly from the 23 de Enero parish in Caracas, most of them were formed in the 90s, long before Chávez came to power.

As the Bolivarian Revolution progressed in Venezuela, there were also changes in the collective, Bolivarian circles and shock groups in general. Lina Ninette Ron PereiraA fierce defender of the Chavista revolution, with a strong and aggressive action, he managed to maintain dominance over the most important groups of the 23rd of January and other areas of Caracas, but his death in March 2011 exposed the actions of those groups, Who had the protection of some Chavismo leaders.

In 2017, a group of groups came together to agree on a common approach; They located the Plaza de Santa Capilla as their meeting place, which they called Plaza Lena Ron, in the center of Caracas, in front of the Central Bank of Venezuela and a few meters from the Miraflores Palace. The main interest was to respond to the acts of corruption that affected the government in its various instances.

He believed that the revolution would allow him to express criticism, emphasizing corruption and ‘bachako’, as the resale of basic products is called, and thus propose public policies. The highest echelons of the Revolution saw this as an insult, which ultimately Most buses left Miraflores controlExcept for the La Piedrita and Tres Raices groups.

The group Tres Raises during the funeral of Heiker Vasquez

Valentin Santana He is the head of La Piedrita, one of the most important groups of the 23rd of January, due to the territory he controls, the power of the weapons they possess and the leadership of his leader over a significant part of the population of the Parish, along with some Chavismo politicians. Apart from their relations.

In the case of the Tres Raices collective, its leaders were Hecker Leobaldo Vasquez FerreiraWho were murdered in a strange incident, within the framework of the so-called El Junquito massacre, where the former officer of the Scientific Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps (CICPC), pilot Oscar Perez, He was killed along with his group by state police and intelligence forces on January 15, 2018.

After this the information was conveyed Freddy Alirio Bernal RosalesThe head of the local Committees of Popular Supply (CLAP) at the time said that “A group of patriots like Heiker have fallen in battle just as everyday revolutionaries fall, the same old revolutionaries who are capable – beyond speech – of ideas. risking their lives”, although in fact the only deceased on the government side was the chief of the Tres Riceys.

People close to Vásquez have assumed that, within the framework of the operation to eliminate Oscar Pérez, it could have been used to assassinate the head of Tres Rices, who was making himself uncomfortable due to some orders. “This group was organized and financed by Bachacu and smuggling money freddy bernal, After Heiker’s death, Tres Raisses became the vanguard of January 23 to control radical leftist groups,” he explains. infobae A former member of the organization.

“It is no coincidence that the same leaders of the groups that participated in the death of Oscar Pérez have been quietly canceled through various tactics.” He cites the most emblematic case as a sociologist carlos rafael lanz rodriguezBelonging to now defunct Venezuelan guerrilla groups such as the Venezuelan Revolution Party (PRV) and the Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), he was detained for bank robbery and suspected of kidnapping the American. William Niehaus, Hugo Chávez appointed him president of a state aluminum company in 2005.

Carlos Lanz and General Mejias Camacarro

Lanz maintained access to military bodies, where he interacted with several officials, On August 8, 2020, he disappeared from the military security zone where the Base Sucre residences are located, where military and police personnel live, as well as Trust workers also work in public administration.

his wife, Maye Kumre, described it as an “enforced disappearance” for political reasons. The first person arrested in this case was an aviation general. cesar mejía camacarroWho was imprisoned for two years in the Directorate General of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM).

More than two years after Lanz’s disappearance, Tarek Saab He announced the arrest of his wife, his two daughters, and 12 others, while publishing a video incriminating himself; The daughters were released. The prosecutor’s statement is that Sanz Rodríguez was eaten by fat pigs because his wife planned his murder for financial reasons.

Ana ViloriaSister of one of the prisoners, Tito Viloria, published in an article via the Aporia portal “We saw in front of the country the destruction of the lives of most of the people identified, convicted. “What was said by the prosecution regarding the circumstances of Tito Viloria, Zaida Suarez and Alice Becerra proves nothing.”

Viloria assures, “Everyone can adequately demonstrate their innocence: through fully identified witnesses who were never called by the prosecution; For the review of their telephone lines that were never checked, for the analysis of their bank accounts that were never checked, with the absence of fingerprints or other signs that could link their homes and the farm in Cojedes to that place. “Points to where Carlos Lanz was allegedly murdered.”

The former group who spoke with Infobae said in relation to that case, “Certainly, prosecutor Tarek Williams will never say that Carlos Lanz, at the time he disappeared, was the head of counterintelligence of the Strategic Operational Command of the Armed Forces (Ceofanb) and was the leader of several groups criticizing government policies.

The José Leonardo Chirinos collective expressed support for Freddy Bernal as protector of Táchira in 2018

Another notable case is that of Commander 13 of the José Leonardo Chirinos Collective of Zone F, who was called Nino Cohete, and was the bomber of Hugo Chávez’s group in the February 4, 1992 coup attempt. He was also in charge of pyrotechnics at the campaign events of the leader of the revolution.

The Tres Raises collective expelled the so-called commander 13 Hugo from the 23 de Enero parish; He did this at gunpoint, snatching the premises in Zone F where his operations center was located He took over the organization’s weapons, including much that was purchased for guerrilla dissidents of the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) at the time. Later, when Commander 13 was at his home in Valencia, where he had lived for four years, he was arrested for a routine underworld affair in Petare, a populous area of ​​Caracas.

Alias’s luck was even worse AyitaTupac was the commander of the Katari de Sarria Collective, working in military intelligence when, in 2023, a group of Cicpc officers arrived at his home. The family said police knocked on the door and when Ayita’s wife opened the door, they grabbed her hair; The gang leader, who was behind his wife, could not even manage to protest. “They unloaded their weapons on him, they shot him right there without saying anything. “This is a hunt against groups.”

Like the Chronos of Greek mythology’s Saturn, the Bolivarian Revolution swallows its children.

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