The ‘golden root’ that relieves anxiety, strengthens the immune system, increases energy and improves cognitive performance

Its main effect is related to its function as an adaptogen. By promoting flexibility, it contributes to stress resistance and reduction of fatigue.

Rhodiola is said to be a natural ‘antidepressant’ (be careful with this) that helps calm anxiety, limit cortisol and make us feel better. But where does it come from and what are its real benefits?

“Rhodiola or ‘Rhodiola rosea’ is a flowering plant found primarily in the Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. It is also known by other names. ‘Rose root or ‘Arctic root’, Its long history dates back to The Vikings who used it to power their warriors And, although there is evidence of its use in traditional medicine dating back to ancient Greece, it has gained popularity in recent years due to its high content of powerful bioactives. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Which, as has been shown, provides various health benefits linked to metabolic health,” explains Andrea Calderón, professor of nutrition at the European University.

However, “its main effect is related to its function adaptogenThanks to some of the substances it contains such as salidroside and rosavin”.

Its root has medicinal properties and has been known since ancient times and is used in traditional Chinese medicine, Siberia and Scandinavia.

What are adaptogens? “Adaptogens are substances that promote flexibility, that is, they contribute to Resistance to stress and maintenance of physical function In situations where balance is challenged: they contribute to reducing fatigue and anxiety or to better rest.

In this sense, “Rhodiola appears to improve physical performance under pressure, Reducing fatigue and stress in sportsAs well as general well-being, which is why it is experiencing great popularity in the nutritional supplement industry.”

Some studies also link its habitual use “with” Improves mental performance and concentration at exam time Or more intense work, and even to reduce fatigue.

Miriam Moral, civil engineer, expert in integrative medicine, and CEO of B.Integrative, explains that “What this adaptogen does is it helps the nervous system to adapt and Don’t always be in a state of alarm (worry), “I like it a lot, because it also reduces the feeling of fatigue, both physically and mentally.”

As Andrea Calderón warns us, you have to be careful describing it as a ‘natural antidepressant’. “Although studies conducted to date provide promising results regarding Rhodiola in cases of depression, the diversity of design, dosage, concentrations of bioactive compounds or timing of administration justifies the need for caution and more research.”

Calderon explains that “Most of the research finding positive results has been done with SHR-5 extracts derived from this plant which include Controlled concentrations of salidroside, rosevine, rosin and p-tyrosinel And for at least 6-10 weeks in cases of mild to moderate depression., Its influence revolves around Improvement in insomnia, possible emotional stabilization or management of stress and anxiety, and improvement in general symptoms. At a deeper level, it acts on the neurotransmitter and neuroendocrine systems, stimulating neurogenesis and Improves mitochondria function, combating inflammatory conditions and oxidative stress,

However, he emphasizes, “It should be emphasized that despite promising results, it is not a cure for depression and its routine use in these types of conditions requires more study.”

Rhodiola can “taken without prescription Since it is a freely available supplement.” Generally, the recommended daily dose or the one that shows effect is “about 300-400 mg/day for several weeks, which is equivalent to 1-2 capsules per day Depending on the concentration of each supplement.

Although there are no clear recommendations about the best time of day to take it, “it is.” preferably in the first part of the day (breakfast or lunch) with a glass of water,

It can also be Mix one spoon of root juice in water and take it as an extract and leave it like that.But the dosage and concentration are low and the studies are based on supplements, not infusions.”

Can it be taken forever or do you have to take a break? “Currently, we do not have long-term studies that provide results on this matter and, in the majority, they use it for weeks or a few months, which, As a precaution, it is better to take rest for about a few weeks or a month every 2-3 monthsHowever, it may not be risky to include it for a long period of time.”

Rhodiola “can be purchased in specialty nutrition stores and, increasingly, it is an ingredient in supplements found in supermarkets or online stores.”

In this sense, Miriam Moral emphasizes “the importance of taking good quality”. Let’s pay attention!

(TagstoTranslate)Healthy-Living/Wellness(T)Psychology(T)Articles Jema García Marcos(T)HBPR

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