The Maduro regime reacted to Brazil’s statement on the electoral process in Venezuela: “It is interventionist”.

Nicolas Maduro and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Reuters/Euseley Marcelino/File)

The Venezuelan regime said “interveningStatement released this Tuesday brazil in which he expressed hisWorry“For the development of the electoral process in the Caribbean anddamsFor the registration of the candidacy of the main Chavista opposition faction, which, in the opinion of Caracas, seems to be “dictated” by the US.

Venezuelan Foreign MinistryRejects gray and intrusive statement written by Brazilian Foreign Ministry officials It appears that this instruction has been given US Department of the InteriorWhere comments are issued full of profound ignorance and ignorance about the political reality in Venezuela,” according to the statement.

The Nicolas Maduro regime, according to its statement, “Ethics demanding strict respect for the principle of non-interference in internal affairs“, Because “Has maintained faithful conduct to the principles governing diplomacy and friendly relations with Brazil“, no more “Does not and will not issue value judgments about political and judicial processes“From that country.

Chavismo, on the other hand, “is shocked by the fact that the Brazilian Foreign Ministry Don’t worry about assassination attempts and instability Which has been destroyed in recent weeks, including yesterday’s (Monday) attempt, when an extremist from the Vente Venezuela organization (led by opposition member María Corina Machado) carried weapons prepared to make an attempt on the president’s life. Was arrested with.

Nicolas Maduro (EFE/Miguel Gutierrez)

Vente Venezuela already this Monday “categorically” rejected this “baseless accusation”which the party considers “”A new attack by the regime to justify more harassment and arrests“Against those who have”assumed the right to demand democratic change That today the majority of citizens are demanding a country.”

In its statement, Brazil noted the obstacles the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – the main anti-Chavista coalition – faced in registering its candidacy, Corina Yoris -Chosen when Machado could not compete due to disqualification- “Not compatible with Barbados Agreement”, signed in October between the Maduro regime and this opposition coalition in view of these elections.

From your statement, Brazil joins various countries in the region in criticizing Venezuela’s electoral process.who have also joined in the last few hours ColombiaLike the South American giant, Maduro’s ally.

But according to Chavismo’s statement, Venezuela will hold presidential elections on July 28 “without the interference or protection of any foreign power.”

(with information from EFE)

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