The medical team of ‘GH du’ tells Marta López about a firm decision

this sunday a New debate in ‘GH Duo’ And everything has been done at home. There have been fights, situations regarding the nominees, Ana Maria Aldón has had the opportunity to talk with her daughter Gemma and she has had an anxiety attack, Asraf Beno has received details from Isa Pantoja… and for There has been a moment of worry. Because at a certain moment in the program, Ion Aramendi announced that he was going to join Marta López (50 years old) to explain everything to her during a health problem and On which the doctors have taken a decision.

What health problem did Marta Lopez suffer from on ‘GH Duo’?

Marta Lopez has entered the confessional To explain what happened to him, which has marked his competition since then Entered the ‘GH Duo’ house. The first thing she did was to downplay the issue so that no one from the house would worry too much about her. From there he told what happened to him. “I put a thread on my neck and it got infected, I had a lump all the time. I couldn’t lie down, I went three or four nights without sleeping. The pain was worse than childbirth, they gave me medicine for it The pain” and they didn’t go away. They explained to me that whatever was oppressing me, no matter how much they give you, the pain doesn’t go away until they let it go,” he said of how bad it was.

Doctors’ decision about Marta Lopez in ‘GH Duo’

The pain has increased so much that these days the ‘GH Duo’ contestant has had to seek medical help. Some doctors who have also decided about an important moment of the competition. Marta Lopez has been recommended not to participate in the weekly testing That the rest of his teammates have competed. The contestant had to rest and was left without completing the challenge along with the rest of her classmates. Regarding this determination, Marta herself has commented that “The doctors told me no, it made me angry because I knew it, but they advised me not to do it because I really have a lot of It was a bad time.”

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