The most boring MIR features: neither patient nor innovation

Just like the “positive surprises” that residents in certain specialties may get as their training progresses, rotation through different services can level up these MIRs. “More negative” or “tired” perception of certain characteristics, Residents confirm that evaluations are very subjective, but medical writing asked about some of them What were the features you liked least? As you progress in your experience as a MIR.

There are “thousands of opinions”. it reminds me of this diary Angel Ricardo Rodriguez, R5 at the Jimenez Diaz Foundation Hospital. Once he reaches his final year of residency, the medical oncology resident recognizes that for him, first and foremost, “Less attractive” surgical specialties were, “That doesn’t mean they sound bad to me or that they’re hard to study, I know fellow surgeons who are enthusiastic, but I’ve always been more interested in the subject of drugs, the biology of cancer and the importance of pure Clinical medicine. And harder,” he explains.

This resident was also surprised by the progress that some specialties experienced and how their vision changed during the pandemic: “My generation was the one that faced Covid as R1The first wave explored what could be considered a boring trait a deterrent, his work no longer has anything to do with AI and he has very interesting projects going on now. There has been a revolution for good too intensive care medicine or in other like pneumologyIn which unemployment is high but I consider it fundamental,” he explains.

Dealing with the patient, indicative of an “entertaining” trait

There are residents who consider a Guaranteeing close and continuous treatment with the patient is a priority for your expertise, This is the philosophy of gadea bracerus, R4 of Dermatology at Donostia University Hospital. Residents explain to this newspaper that some, like Pathological Anatomy, Anesthesiology or Internal Medicine are their least favorite To avoid contact with the patient: “Your theory is exciting but everyday life in the ward, in these cases, I personally do not like.”

Gadea emphasizes that now, as of the R5, he has a A “more realistic” view of what medicine is And the characteristics which he has been able to observe closely. Precisely, although pathological anatomy is not one of his favorites, he believes that he has a great responsibility in terms of diagnosis. “Surgical specialties have more demanding residency periods in terms of schedules and shifts. Or, for example, psychiatry did not attract my attention And after the pandemic, when I had the option to work in a psychiatric hospital, I realized that there are so many areas to explore and it is constantly growing,” he recalls.

“The family must completely redesign its curriculum and become an apprentice on the road.”

Changes in the family to prevent becoming a “boring trait”

For miguel de la fuenteR3 Radiodiagnosis at the General University Hospital of Albacete, There is no such thing as a “boring” feature., However, this assumes that if you are in a specialty where the first technological advances are not integrated or where the solutions that can be provided to patients are few “They may frustrate residents.”: “But it doesn’t have to be ideal, for example, my specialty doesn’t have a high cure rate except for stroke, it’s neurology And I think that’s good because a lot of the neuroscience knowledge that’s being put out today is brutal,” he explains.

In his case, Miguel had previously started a Family and Community Medicine residency, which he abandoned after some time: “At first I believed that Family might be a more interesting specialty, but There is too much focus on administrative areas Which depending on where you do it, could be an amazing feature or completely boring.

Certainly one of the reasons for their abandonment of this training is that there is stagnation in this specialization. “I consider that The family will have to completely revamp their resume. And really become a defining feature. Because, if not, there will come a time when they will eat their toast. “It’s interesting to get training in programs to take care of hypertension, diabetes, community care… but I have to say something is missing,” he says. To do this, he proposes that Familia residents themselves to “not only the equipment they already have” but Being able to apprentice “on the street”, “Once they achieve this, we will have a more powerful national health system and this will relieve the frustrations of many of these professionals,” he concluded.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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