The new medicine building is “a long-term project” for the rector

Build a new building to locate the Faculty of Health Sciences on land donated by the Almeria City Council next to the Torrecardenas University Hospital Do not rush, At least this is what can be inferred from the answer given by the Rector of UAL, José Céspedes, who asked about this during the visit of the Minister of Universities, Research and Innovation of the Government of Andalusia, José Carlos Gómez Villamundos. The priorities of the educational institution assured that “This is already a more long-term approach.”Because we are talking about the creation of a new infrastructure, a new building, into which we will transfer part of the teaching, especially issues related to practice and also issues related to research.

But surely, To execute this property, “there is still no ready project, it has to be prepared and then figure out what the necessary financing avenues are.” To start the construction of that building, which will, of course, include the Ministry, but I believe it will also include other organizations of the Junta de Andalucia,” Céspedes explained.

The university advisor made it clear during the visit that the priorities were going to be set by the UAL government team, so it seems that the priority now focuses on the use of the two buildings that have been transferred from the centre. City: The old provincial hospice and treasury building on Paseo de Almeria to become the rectorate.

The truth is that the city council does not seem to be in a hurry to execute the agreement signed in 2010 for the transfer of those 17,000 square meters of land. and the mayor of the capital, María del Mar Vázquez. clear that “It is necessary for the Municipal Council that this Medical Faculty building can be constructed And the rehabilitation of the other part of the provincial hospital next to the museum will also undoubtedly energize this area which will bring a lot of talent from abroad also to study here and we will provide every possible facilities, i.e. “There is no concern that the transfer agreement could expire as it will be extended.”

Although there was media attention prior to the meeting, and therefore, the Rector of UAL was cautious when explaining to the ministry team what was going to be put on the table, yes, he made it clear that They were going to talk about “financing” And it is that “it is such a broad topic that it includes all the projects that we can undertake, projects that are certainly related to the well-being of the university community, and also projects that I mentioned, basic “Structural issues and those types of issues.”

Gomez Vilamondos talked about financing, explaining that UAL will have at least a 92 million in this financial year 2024, of which “89 million euros are expressed through the new university financing model and the remaining 2.8 million allocated to its own research plan to boost its R&D&I lines Will go”.

The 89 million, which will be channeled through financing transfers, represents an increase of 3.7% compared to the previous year, in which 85.8 million euros were approved, and 22% in relation to 2018, in which the contribution was 72.9 million euros. .

“should be added to this”The investment plan we are working on with universitiesOn the one hand, they will be authorized to use up to the remaining 80 million euros, this will allow them proper use of those remains which is, in Almeria’s cases today are about 10 million And I hope there will be some residual growth, driven on the one hand by good management,” explained the university advisor.

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