The European Commission A two-year multinational project has recently been launched to help four states bring about reforms Providing mental health support to youth and children, Spain is part of this program andalusia, But everything indicates that the strategies and lessons will be spread to different parts of the country.
Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Government of Andalusia explains to medical writing that there is a person on the project advisory committee Cantabria Mental Health Network Who was “very interested.” In addition, three other autonomies were at least close to joining the project as collaborators, but this was not possible due to “time pressure”. “It will be very important to share the results of the project with others because, to a greater or lesser extent, “The proposals that have been put forward will be expanded.”They defend Catalina García’s department.
But what does this project actually involve? With this programme, the European Commission aims to improve the well-being and mental health of children and young people within the framework of Youth First Initiative Technical support equipment. With Spain they also participate Cyprus, Italy and Slovenia.
“The project in Andalusia aims to provide a comprehensive set of services to improve this aspect in the care and protection system. A framework will be developed Improving cross-sector collaboration between professionals who work with this age group and concrete methods will be established to improve coordination, cooperation and communication, as well as protocols to improve interaction between systems,” the European Commission told this newspaper. told.
In the health sector, the ministry details what this will include Progress and improvements in various areas of public health services, with particular emphasis on early adverse experiences, reinforcement of prevention strategies and early detection and promotion; will work on Training of health professionals increased In trauma care, the consequences of child victims of neglect, abuse and violence.
Furthermore, they start from the premise that Andalusia Public Health System It consists of health care facilities organized into levels of care that facilitate early identification of mental health problems along with the work of medical specialties such as pediatrics, family medicine and psychiatry. She added, “We must also highlight the role played by the 411 school nurse nurses who have been trained and we will continue to do so.”
SNS Mental Health Strategy
This project of means of Technical assistance from the European Commissionin collaboration with UNICEFFollows the lines outlined in the mental health strategy of national health system (SNS). As the Andalusian Ministry says, this includes the need to promote inter-sectorial work and approaches focused on promotion and prevention in the field of mental health. “All these aspects have been considered at a more specific level in this European project,” he defended.
Also, remember that development is a work in progress in Andalusia Strategic Plan for Mental Health and Addictions of Andalusia (Pesma), which is currently completing preliminary diagnostics and which also foresees prioritizing the mental health of children and adolescents. In fact, they are now focusing on building child and adolescent mental health units.
Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.