The real shooting location of the film with Scarlett Johansson will surprise you

asteroid cityThe latest film from prolific director Wes Anderson, released in 2023, takes place in the middle of the American desert. But what was the actual filming location? There’s a great opportunity to (re)discover this little visual gem: it will be broadcast on Canal+ on Tuesday January 9, 2024 at 9:10 pm.

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If french dispatchA Poem based on Journalism, released in 2021, had already disappointed many Wes Anderson fans – despite its exceptional French casting – asteroid city (2023) also sometimes struggles to explain. A little aesthetic and stage gem that develops (as always) sad characters, the brilliant director’s latest film is not quite on the same level as excellent and unforgettable, however. Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) or still Moonrise Kingdom (2012). the pitch? Asteroid City, in the desert, famous for the crater caused by an asteroid, welcomes talented children for a few days. Retrofuturism, romanticism, and science fiction mingle in this funny and poignant history. In visual splendor, Wes Anderson’s film, performed by an array of stars, is laced with profound reflection on our losses during the pandemic. For those who came late, don’t worry: you will still be able to find the film as it will air on Canal+ on Tuesday January 9, 2024 at 9:10 pm.

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where it was filmed asteroid city ,

We obviously imagine that the film was shot in the middle of the desert in the southwest of the United States… However, this is not the case and the actual location may surprise you. asteroid city It was actually filmed in Spain, in the city of Chinchón, 45 kilometers from Madrid. If there was initial hesitation about making the film in Death Valley in California, the choice certainly fell on Spain because of the mild and undisturbed scenery. If we always find that in the director’s work there are symmetrical settings, bright colors and paintings worked out to the smallest detail, this episode in the desert is no exception: aesthetically, it is still just as perfect. From the great Wes Anderson, in a nutshell.

asteroid city : A five-star cast for a sometimes disappointing film

In this small town, we see many characters develop. The latter are played by Scarlett Johansson, Margot Robbie, Maya Hawke, Adrien Brody, Tom Hanks, Tilda Swinton, Willem Dafoe… a ton of stars! But behind this five-star cast, we often discover disembodied and mechanical beings. Thus the story struggles to generate even the slightest emotion: we focus only on the aesthetics to the extent of forgetting the plot. Loss.

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(TagstoTranslate)Filming Locations(T)Canal Plus(T)Sword(T)Wes Anderson(T)Scarlett Johansson(T)Trailer(T)Asteroid City – 12232023 09:00 PM – Canal Cinema\u00e9ma(T) Comment(T )Asteroid City

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