The regime will be extended for the 24th time and will remain in force for two years

According to reports, the government of El Salvador has announced the arrest of people who were already in prison for criminal gangs.

The Legislative Assembly approved this Friday the twenty-fourth extension of the emergency regime and it will come into force on March 27 for two years. The implementation of the 24th extension will begin from March 12.

The government of El Salvador attributes the reduction in the number of murders committed by criminal structures to the legality of the extrajudicial regime, however, human rights organizations record the capture of innocent people and the deaths of people in penitentiary centers, statistics which the government ignores. Is.

You can read: El Faro reveals that the prosecutor’s office ordered the release of the Nueva Ideas candidate held by a gang member

The Salvadoran government itself admits that innocent people have been captured under the “margin of error”. Vice President FĂ©lix Ulloa has said that of the more than 76,000 people captured, between 7,000 and 6,000 actually had no ties to criminal groups, so they were released after spending months in prison.

According to journalistic investigation, the Salvadoran state has freed and deported the leaders of criminal structures from the country.

Similarly, this medium has documented that the Security Cabinet has captured people who, according to the government, were already serving prison sentences for finding ties to criminal structures.

In January this year, the Security Minister, Gustavo Villatoro, assured that despite the state of emergency being in place for almost two years, there were still 18,000 to 20,000 gang members yet to be captured.

Read: Legal Aid asks the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate possible secret graves in prisons

electoral process under governance

Since the emergency arrangement is in force from March 27, 2022, the country faced the entire electoral process under loss of constitutional guarantees.

El Diario de Hoy spoke to a candidate for this year’s municipal slates and he said that as disgruntled voices against the current government he often hears attacks like “I’m going to throw the regime out of you”, which comes from his There is a danger to politics. Participation.

Similarly, during the legislative investigation, a political activist overheard a member of the prosecutor’s office make a threat towards a watchdog from her party when he said “Remember that we are still under the regime.”

Because of the ruling, Salvadorans have suspended the constitutional guarantee of the right to defend themselves and be informed of the reason for which they are being arrested.

The ruling increases the maximum administrative detention from 72 hours to 15 days and allows the tapping of telecommunications without the need for a court order.

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