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Miley called businesspeople “heroes” in Davos and said “the state is the problem”.

Davos (Switzerland), January 17 (EFE).- Argentine President Javier Meili called the businessmen who heard his speech at the Davos Forum (Switzerland) this Wednesday “heroes” and affirmed that “the state is not the solution”, but “The problem itself.” After calling businessmen “social benefactors,” Miley said, “You are the creators of the greatest period of prosperity that we have experienced.” That’s why he recommended that they “further advance the state Do not yield.” In a half-hour speech, which the Argentine president began by saying that “the West is in danger” because of the progress of socialism on “free enterprise capitalism”, he recommended that businessmen “free themselves from any political Don’t be afraid of race” or of the parasites who live outside the state”, because they are “the heroes of this story”. Miley, who assumed the presidency of Argentina on December 10 for a four-year term while upholding the principles of libertarianism – “defense of life, liberty and property” – announced to businessmen that “from today” they would have the South American country “As an unconditional ally”. Miley’s intervention came shortly after 3:45 p.m. (2:45 p.m. GMT), after being introduced by Klaus Schwab, founder and executive director of the World Economic Forum (WEF), as an “interesting person to listen to.” It “has given Argentina a new spirit” by making the country “more connected” to free companies and business activities and it has also “brought Argentina closer to the rule of law.” The President of Argentina praised those He defended “free enterprise capitalism” as “the only tool to end hunger”, describing as “monstrous” a system that has “rapidly” lifted 90% of the world’s population out of poverty. The President pointed out that, for this reason, “leftist doxa” have attacked him for questions of morality, saying that he is individualistic and, on the other hand, “collectivism is good because it is altruistic” and fights for social policy. are “with others.” Argentina believes that this has been the political discourse in his country for 100 years, and that he is “trapped in this cycle of degradation in which he is getting poorer every day” because “social Justice is not fair and does not contribute to general “well-being.” And it is “intrinsically violent” because the taxes with which it is financed are collected forcefully. Miley called for confronting those who fight for “pauperizing socialism” and that it is an “economic, social and cultural failure and, in addition, has resulted in the murder of over 100 million human beings.” Also to those who impose regulations to correct market failures or concentrated structures of the economy, because in this way they “open the door to socialism”: “Unless the state intervenes, market failure as such It is impossible for anything to exist.” “Collectivists do not propose freedom, but rather more regulation,” he said, considering communists, fascists, Nazis, socialists, social democrats, Christian democrats and globalists, among others, as collectivist variants. He said that socialists “substituting the class struggle for other” perceived struggles that are also harmful to the economic system, such as feminism and environmental agendas. Before her presentation, Miley had a meeting with the United Kingdom’s Minister of Foreign Affairs David Cameron, which she described as “excellent”. Miley traveled with her chancellor to the forum, which brings together more than 2,800 leaders from 120 countries. , Diana Mondino. , Economy Minister, Luis Caputo; the chief of staff, Nicolas Posse, and the general secretary of the Presidency and his sister, Karina Miley. (c) EFE Agency

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