They identify and arrest the people who beat and injured a young Cuban

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Monday 22 January 2024

The people allegedly responsible for attacking and injuring a young Cuban in Bayamo, Granma have reportedly been identified and detained.

Cuban Roiniel Ledia, the victim’s uncle, said that, after the injuries, the young man sometimes does not recognize the family.

“They informed me that the alleged attackers of my cousin Alexis Alejandro Cisneros Tornes and his girlfriend Daniela García Bori have already been detained and are under investigation,” he said.

“Alexis has multiple head injuries, including trauma injuries that have caused linear skull fractures and Grade II subarachnoid hemorrhage, and her development so far has been as expected, in the words of one doctor, typical of this type. Cranial trauma with symptoms of developmental drowsiness that no one recognizes, only moments of clarity,” he explained.

“According to this doctor, we have to wait and continue treatment for the cerebral edema to eliminate and its functions to recover. There have been no warning signs that there will be a motor seizure, problems in the cranial nerves that affect the face, so, development is going good,” he said.

On the other hand, he commented that “Alexis must be tested with a scanner and for this, for the second time, they will have to transfer her to the city of Manzanillo because the Céspedes Hospital in the provincial capital Bayamo does not have a scanner.”

Cuba itself condemned the aggression and called for justice. “The culprits will have to pay. They attacked my cousin, he was hit on the head with a bottle and given multiple blows, resulting in a fractured skull and brain injury,” he said.

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