They reported on the forced disappearance of Venezuelan activist Rocío San Miguel: they are also unable to locate relatives

File photo of activist and human rights defender Rocío San Miguel (EFE/Jeffrey Arguedas)

Safety of Rocío San Miguelactivist and expert on military issues, condemned as “Enforced Disappearance” He was arrested at Venezuela’s main airport on 9 February after being linked to an alleged plot against the dictator. Nicolas Maduro.

Also this Monday, several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and lawyers said that five relatives of the famous Venezuelan human rights activist detained on Friday are missing.

It took more than 48 hours for Venezuela’s Attorney General to tarek william saabreported via a message on X that he had been detained, without specifying where and under what circumstances.

“The publication does not tell us which police agency detained him or which court he is subject to, nor which prosecutor is directing this investigation,” he told reporters this Monday. juan gonzalez taguarucoOne of the defense lawyers.

“We don’t even know the place of detention, we have visited some detention centers and none of them have given us a positive response (…) We can define that this situation is forced,” González told L. Matches a case of disappearance.” He visited Helicoide, one of the detention centers in Caracas, operated by the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN).

,No way to know where he is, no way to support him, The state can do whatever it wants, this is the pinnacle (highest degree of anything) of violation of fundamental rights after murder,” he asserted.

San Miguel, a 57-year-old lawyer, won the case against Venezuela before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in 2018.

They have also not been able to resume contact with San Miguel’s daughter, miranda diaz san miguel, who was with him at the time of his arrest. Similarly, Miguel Ángel San Miguel Sosa and Alberto San Miguel Quigosos, (brothers of the activist), Víctor Díaz Paruta (Miranda’s father) and Alejandro González Canales, another of his relatives, could not be located.

“She is the one who reports on what is happening, and Talks about SEBIN, not DGCIM Nor any other police force. But then he stops communicating and that’s it We have more than 48 hours in which we don’t know anything about him., Juan González revealed about the worker’s daughter, “She does not respond to calls or messages, which we know she reaches out to her but she does not respond.”

He commented, “The gravity of enforced disappearance is a state of complete helplessness.”

According to Saab, the arrest took place “on the basis of an arrest warrant against him for his alleged involvement in and reference to a conspiracy and attempted conspiracy to commit murder.”white bracelet‘, which was aimed at attacking the life of the head of state Nicolas Maduro and other high officials.

The Venezuelan regime, which usually condemns the plans against Maduro, says it has neutralized it Five “conspiracies” In 2023 in which he points to military personnel, journalists and human rights activists.

San Miguel was arrested for the “White Bracelet”, which involved attacking a military base in Tachira, on the border with Colombia, and later assassinating Maduro, who will seek his third re-election this year.

By the end of January there were 36 detainees – 12 for the “White Bracelet” – in addition to 22 arrest warrants.

NGOs and opponents raise questions on the arrest.

San Miguel, 57-year-old lawyer, Won case against Venezuela in 2018 before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Inter-American Court) for violations of political and expression rights, following his dismissal from a public entity in 2003 for supporting a recall referendum against the then dictator. hugo chavez (1999-2013).

are in venezuela 261 political prisoners, According to the NGO Foro Penal, they include 18 women and 146 soldiers.

(With information from AFP)

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