They will celebrate International Asperger Syndrome Day – Health and Wellness

February 18 is “International Asperger Syndrome Day” commemorating the birth of AIM-registered Hans Asperger. In recent years, there has been more and more discussion about Asperger syndrome in the media, television, radio, press, cinema, etc., but, far from establishing a realistic view of the syndrome, the actual reality behind it has become increasingly Is going. distorted. With the status and revisions of the DSM-5 it will be weakened within autism spectrum disorders.

And extraordinary events continue to occur that generate impact and coverage in the media, which are usually unfortunate. Groups of Asperger syndrome activists try to present a certain image of the condition, even if it does not fit reality. Messages are sent about whether this was the case for Einstein, da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and a long list of historical figures. Then a criminal act committed by an unbalanced individual, who murders a group of children in the United States (the country par excellence of mass murders), dashes all efforts to soften the situation. There is also a tendency to affirm that Asperger’s is a mild version of autism, and that people with Asperger’s are very intelligent and have only some deficits in social aspects that can be identified as “oddities”.

However, the true reality that people with Asperger syndrome face every day has nothing to do with the famous people with whom the syndrome is thought to be associated, nor does Asperger’s appear to be anything mild. Nor are people with Asperger’s any kind of genius. With oddities in their social behaviour.

Asperger syndrome is a disorder that affects a person for life. It mainly affects aspects related to social interaction and expression of efficacy, language and verbalization, restrictive behavior, and restricted interests.
As far as their intellectual abilities are concerned, the vast majority falls under social normality, there are cases where there is intellectual genius and there are cases where we have borderline intelligence. In many cases, due to limited interests, people with Asperger’s may be true experts in one of their topics of interest, but then have severe problems when performing social tasks or display a complete inability to function. In a conversation that talks about the weather. At the same time, they may present sensory processing disorders, usually auditory and visual, which can cause serious problems in a generalized environment (a shopping center, a bus station, a market), for society as a whole.

The incidence of these types of changes is low in some people with the condition, despite the fact that the nuclear aspects of Asperger’s are all present, and can cause a constant state of anxiety and emotional tension in the individual in attempts to achieve acceptance. Social. In other cases the level of incidence will be much higher, generating a level of isolation by their own decision, which may include a certain label of being a loner, but which may allow them to have much lower levels of emotional stress than their peers. gives. Lower level. Intense.

Asperger syndrome is not a mild version of autism, nor is it a disease. Although many of its bases are shared, the way of expressing it is different. The greatest point of connection occurs when comparisons are made between groups of people with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism since adolescence, where we will find more coincidences and overlaps, and where we will find more social problems in common.
Measuring the impact of Asperger syndrome on the individual is complex and depends on many factors. In this regard, we refer you to texts that focus on this aspect in “Degrees of severity in autism and Asperger’s” and “Mild Asperger’s or incoherent”. The Benignity of Asperger Syndrome” where this issue is specifically addressed.

However, even today a fundamental and very important part which directly affects the person with Asperger syndrome is being ignored and that is related to their fundamental rights as a citizen. Those who have rights that are not recognized and because of this lack of recognition, based solely on their difference, are doomed to wander in the back rooms of society, in a clear example of social isolation for purely statistical and sociological reasons.

People with Asperger syndrome have the right to access treatments and professionals that help them and provide them with the tools they need to be able to function normally in social environments. Always under equal conditions and without the existence of bureaucratic and/or administrative barriers and without economic aspects restricting full access to these means in which they have the right to carry out social-health interventions.

People with Asperger syndrome have the right to full access to health, adapted to the needs that, due to the specificity of their condition, entail for adequate and optimized use of health resources.

People with Asperger syndrome have the right to receive a quality education tailored to their needs. To have all the means so that the right to education is not limited to aspects of an ideological nature, it is taken into account at all times as a worthy and full citizen. Public administration provides the necessary means to fulfill one of the basic principles of the right to education, which is education based on the full inclusion of the individual in the school group.

People with Asperger syndrome have the right to have their dignity and integrity protected and safeguarded by the instruments of States, to have a defense mechanism against the attacks to which they themselves are subject. The first moment of their life from the situation, that is: protection from bullying situations, no matter what type of bullying it is; Avoidance of situations of separation or exclusion to be able to access education at all stages under equal conditions; Defending in situations of social injustice against equal access to decent employment with fair remuneration.

People with Asperger syndrome have the right to full recognition of their differences and social acceptance.

People with Asperger syndrome have the right to make decisions about their lives without relying on the help of third parties when making these important decisions.

If as a society we are not able to ensure that the universal rights of man are fulfilled equally among all members of society, we will be violating these universal principles that have been one of humanity’s greatest achievements . Working so that the fulfillment of these rights also extends to minority groups, public institutions and citizens must take the lead, as well as become the spirit that points the way forward to achieve a more just society.

more data
In 2007, February 18 was declared “International Asperger Syndrome Day” to commemorate the birth of Hans Asperger.

Asperger syndrome was not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in its fourth edition (DSM-IV) until 1994, and it disappeared in its fifth edition (DSM-V), which was included in the Mental Disorders Has gone. Spectrum. Without a doubt many ups and downs, almost 40 years for Hans Asperger’s work to be recognized, 70 years for Soukhareva’s work to come to light, 50 years for Asperger syndrome to be introduced in the DSM, and 20 years for its removal. And there doesn’t seem to be anything obvious about Asperger’s yet. There are still a lot of myths and it’s not surprising there is so much back and forth. Many people claim that it is simply a state of affairs, a different way of perceiving what is around them, it is not better or worse, just different. But there is no doubt that these differences can make life very complicated for people with Asperger’s. This is one of the problems that cause so-called “invisible disabilities.”

One of the biggest difficulties people with Asperger syndrome have is related to their social inclusion. This condition increases the incidence of anxiety or depression over time. We know that emotional stress is common among people with Asperger’s. Also taking anti-depressant and anxiolytic medicines.
Some of the main (but not the only) problems that people with Asperger syndrome usually have in their adult lives will be:

Lack or denial of diagnosis.

Presence of depressive symptoms, anxiety, obsessions

Unstable family environment.

Aggressive social contexts in the workplace and in general (bullying, abuse), so this is an extension of their childhood, where they may understand this type of behavior towards themselves as “normal”.

Situations of continuous sexual exploitation may arise in women.

low self-esteem
These social barriers, driven by problems in correctly understanding social rules, or monogamous discourses, or even problems related to honesty and openness, cause a person’s quality of life to deteriorate. And what’s more, this situation has been around for a long time since one young woman with Asperger’s said, “For me, a friend was an ordinary classmate who didn’t mess with me.”

The need to get help is fundamental for youth and adults with Asperger syndrome. Perhaps it is time to consider that many people never received enough attention (or any attention) and that today, they are allowed access to social-labor inclusion schemes, or social skills workshops, or in short, their Allows understanding the cause of differences. It can mean the difference between being able to develop a fulfilling life or not. And this should be a social responsibility. Undoubtedly this is a sign of social maturity.

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