This is how the currency is trading this Monday, February 12

Saving is a way of preserving a portion of the income or profits that a person generally receives after using his labor power. This option allows the individual to plan his life for the future, Allows you to plan long-term purchases or purchases that normally couldn’t be made on a small budget.

To save successfully, you just need to plan your expenses well, knowing how much money you get, how much you spend monthly and how much debt you have. Apart from this, it is also important to know how to select the property in which you want to preserve this inheritance. Although some people choose to save it in the local currency, others prefer to do so with other currencies like dollars.

In this way, people exchange their local currencies and get hard currencies like the dollar or other currencies like the euro and pound sterling, which have a higher value. Exchange houses become a fundamental actor in this process.

dollar bills

dollar bills , picture: Nurfoto via Getty Images

Dollar in exchange offices: price for Monday, February 12

Before you start buying dollars, it is important that you pay attention to how exchange establishments work. These allow you to buy and sell different currencies without filling out forms or completing cumbersome processes.

On the other hand, if you are going to sell dollars (exchange dollars for pesos), you should look for an exchange house that offers the lowest purchase price.

For this, 12th February, Exchange houses are buying dollars at a price of $3,710 and selling them at around $3,850. Please note that reference prices are calculated daily with a sample of exchange houses. According to the Dolar Hoy portal, these may vary over time and depending on the city or neighborhood.

If you want to analyze the price of the dollar at exchange offices throughout the country, keep in mind this analysis by city:

  • City- Buying Price – Selling Price
  • Bogota DC: $3,750 – $3,830
  • Medellin: $3,620 – $3,810
  • Callie: $3,700 – $3,860
  • Cartagena: $3,600 – $3,840
  • Cucuta: $4,030 – $4,170
  • Perera: $3,720 – $3,850

Dollar , picture: getty images

If you want to evaluate the value of a currency by business entity, keep these values ​​in mind:

  • Vancouver changes: Buy: $3,765 – Sell: $3,780
  • Capital Change: Buy: $3,740 – Sell: $3,800
  • Unichange: Buy $3,600 – Sell: $3,800
  • Change: Buy $3,650 – Sell: $3,820
  • Change: Buy $3,660 – Sell: $3,800
  • Date – Buying Price – Selling Price
  • Monday, February 12, 2024: $3,710 – $3,850
  • Sunday, February 11, 2024: $3,720 – $3,850
  • Saturday, February 10, 2024: $3,710 – $3,850
  • Friday, February 9, 2024: $3,720 – $3,850
  • Thursday, February 8, 2024: $3,720 – $3,850
  • Wednesday, February 7, 2024: $3,720 – $3,830
creative getty

dollar dollar , picture: getty images

You can also analyze the currency’s behavior over a longer period of time in this comparison:

  • 1 day (February 11, 2024) Buy: $3,720 | -0.27% ($-10) Sales: $3,850 | N/A
  • 1 week (February 5, 2024) Buy: $3,720 | -0.27% ($-10) Sales: $3,850 | N/A
  • 1 month (January 12, 2024) Buy: $3,800 | -2.37% ($-90) Sales: $3,920 | -1.79% ($-70)
  • 1 year (February 12, 2023) Buy: $4,410 | -15.87% ($-700) Sales: $4,550 | -15.38% ($-700).

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