A relative of Argentine Hamas hostages released by Israel describes how they learned of the rescue: “We are shocked”

Luis Herr, embracing a relative. Israel Defense Forces/Handout via Reuters

“We saw them (…) there were a lot of tears, hugs and some words,” said Aidan Begarano, the son-in-law of one of two Argentine-Israeli hostages freed in a military operation on Monday morning by Israeli forces. South of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli army, Shin Bet security agency and police They freed 60-year-old Fernando Marmon and 70-year-old Luis Har in an early morning raid in the Palestinian city of Rafah.,

The Health Ministry of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic movement that rules Gaza, gave this information. This huge operationwhich included the bombing of several points in Rafah, Left “hundred dead”,

Two freed hostages kidnapped from the Nir Yitzhak kibbutz in southern Israel on October 7 were transferred by helicopter to Sheba Hospital in Ramat Gan, near Tel Aviv, where they arrived at about 3:15 p.m., the ministry said. Clinic.

Fernando Simon Marmon and Louise Hair, with family members at the clinic where they are recovering. Israel Defense Forces/Handout via Reuters

“At about 3 in the morning we got a call from the Israeli authorities saying ‘Fernando and Luis are in our hands’, please let us go to see them at the hospital. we were wondering. We did not expect this. But, we sat in the car and came.”said Begarano, Luis Herr’s son-in-law.

Begarano indicated that he was able to see him and “he is under medical supervision in bed.”

“They seem fine if I do say so myself. They are undergoing many examinations surrounded by doctors and nurses. And most importantly, they are surrounded by their families,” he said in a statement to the press after leaving the hospital.

The kidnapped man’s son-in-law reported that at the time of the encounter the freedmen’s hearts were “beating at 200 beats per minute, perhaps even more.”

Argentines Fernando Marmon and Luis Herr, who were rescued by Hamas, are already with their families.

“There were a lot of tears, hugs and some words (…) Today we are happy, but we have not won yet. “This is just another step toward returning home.” He highlighted the hostages being held in Gaza.

The Argentine President celebrated Israeli security forces “for successfully completing the rescue operation”.

israeli president, isaac herzogI confirm this Authorities are using “all possible means” to rescue the remaining hostages. Attack by Hamas in southern Israel on 7 October.

According to Israeli officials, before the release of these two hostages, Hamas held 132 hostages, 29 of whom presumably died in captivity.

The moment when Argentine Hamas hostages rescued by Israel arrive.

Begerano echoed the message of other hostage families, who urge the Israeli government to accept a new ceasefire agreement with Hamas that includes the release of more abducted people.

“Please be serious! Be serious about any agreement. The Israeli people need an agreement (…) as soon as possible, Begerano said.

“The Office of the President thanks the Israeli Defense Forces, Shabak and the Israeli Police for successfully completing the rescue of Argentines Fernando Simon Marmon (60) and Luis Har (70), who were kidnapped last October 7. by the terrorist group Hamas”Casa Rosada reported through social networks in the early hours of this Monday. x, After this news was confirmed by the Israeli Army.

“They’re both in good medical conditions and was taken to the hospital Sheba Tel Hashomer For evaluation,” Israel explained in a statement.

For its part, the National Executive Branch highlighted that “During his visit to the State of Israel, President “Strongly condemn the terrorism of Hamas.”

(With information from AFP)

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