This is the garlic you should take in Spain to live longer

It is said that in the years when Victoria Beckham lived in our country, the former Spice Girl uttered the famous phrase “Spain smells like garlic.” Years later he had to refute this rumor, but it was too late: the artist explained that this myth has brought him a very bad reputation in our country. We Spaniards do not take very well to this note, which we should have taken as a compliment. yes, it’s good that they join us This food that has been linked to many health benefits – including increased life expectancy –However, some have been exaggerated.

Without a doubt, its use in the treatment of cancer is one of the most special. In fact, there are many organizations that refer to this quality. One of them is the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), which said in the report Some components of garlic may block nitrosamines. -Substances that are, in many cases, carcinogenic – and repair damaged genetic material. By the way, studies have also been done in this regard in recent years.

This was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition This was done in an area of ​​China where stomach cancer cases are high. The researchers wanted to test whether garlic could reduce these rates, using a study population of more than 3,000 people. “For every 1.5 kilograms of garlic that participants ate per year, They had a 17% lower risk of developing the disease“, highlighted the new York Times About this study.

multiple testing

On another occasion, another study was published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology Garlic is believed to contain certain metabolites that destroy malignant cells and cause little toxicity. They mention diallyl sulfide, allicin, and allyl mercaptan. This study included a review to gather evidence on the effectiveness of garlic compounds in the treatment of breast cancer. In connection with this, the authors point out in the review that some components of garlic increase the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment.

In any case, the use of garlic in cancer has been studied for other types of tumors: this one pharmaceutical research Indications that it has been linked to a reduced risk of colorectal cancer in animals and a previous Frontiers in Pharmacology Explains the components of garlic Has been tested in skin, ovarian, prostate, lung, liver, mouth and pancreatic cancers, other than those mentioned above. Now, can we avoid cancer by consuming garlic in our home?

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No, there is still no evidence that one food alone can prevent cancer. Rather, we should try to make our overall diet healthier, which has been linked to better cancer rates. One of the diets that provide the best results in this sense is Mediterranean diet, where garlic is very frequently present, According to the MAPA report, garlic’s effects are more intense when eaten raw, but some authors claim that garlic’s effects remain intact when cooked.

how much garlic to take

Garlic has been linked to other benefits: it is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, disinfectant, antihypertensive and may even help lower cholesterol levels. Apart from this, it has also been linked to the prevention of infection. Helicobacter pylori. This bacteria, which is estimated to affect 50% of the population, is related to gastric cancer. Now, as described in this Healthline article More research needs to be done on this application.

The truth is that it is important to include garlic in our daily diet when it is part of a healthy diet. Garlic is also a natural flavoring agent We can include it in most of the dishes that we prepare while preparing the previous stir-fry., the new York Times The above article calculates that the benefits of garlic for the stomach are seen by eating about five cloves a week. In this article of take care of yourself as well It is recommended to take between two to three cloves every day.

(TagstoTranslate)Garlic(T)Mediterranean Diet(T)Nutrition

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