This is the main factor in weight loss that everyone forgets

The key to losing weight lies in a habit in our daily life that we do not pay attention to and which plays a fundamental role in daily calorie burning.

When we set a goal to lose weight two concepts essentially come to mind: diet and exercise, When it comes to losing weight we wonder which of the two is more important, without even knowing when it comes to losing weight a third element What is (almost) never talked about and as revealed in January 2005 after Mayo Clinic scientists confirmed that obese people sit an average of 150 minutes more per day than thin people (which means they sit 350 Burns less calories) . , has the greatest impact on our relationship with scale

What are we talking about? About the concept we love in Zen: clean. Jorge Sánchez-Infante Gómez-Escalonilla, professor of sports injuries at the European University, tells us what is the wonder of what nature has given us and of which we use little today. “NEAT is the acronym for ‘Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis’, which in Spanish means activity thermogenesis without exercise, This concept is defined as the energy that is spent in performing all the activities that occur in our daily lives other than sleeping, eating or physical activity or sports.

NEAT, or how to lose weight without going to the gym. World

As Mayo experts have already pointed out in their research, and many others as well, “Although NEAT is not typically considered when we set a weight loss goal, “This is an important concept for weight loss and optimal calorie expenditure in relation to our kilocalorie consumption.”,

It is clearer than water that, as Sánchez-Infante Gómez-Escalonilla says, when we want to lose kilos, “the first thing that comes to mind is to reduce calorie intake and increase sports practice, physical exercise. to do.” However, the busy lives we lead means that, sometimes, we don’t have enough time to meet both requirements and, in this scenario, NEAT is a factor. It is very important to break the sedentary life,

For example, he adds, “To make ‘gestures’ is as simple as go shopping walkingafter working Bicycling, climbing stairs, or spending less time sitting They can be a very important factor in adopting a more active lifestyle and, as a result, losing body weight. All this will affect the improvement of our health and will be important in preventing diseases arising from a sedentary lifestyle, for example, obesity,

the simple act of getting up from a chair from time to time Standing for a few minutes awakens our NEAT And therefore burn more calories, as a team of Mayo Clinic researchers demonstrated (again) in a study published in January 2018.

Then, what do we do to make the most of NEAT and thus increase daily calorie burn? Jorge Sánchez-Infante Gómez-Escalonilla gives us a summary: “The key will be to recover the following activities that, perhaps, we have stopped doing Rest Or because of our tendency to take advantage of the facilities that life offers us. technology, That is to say: climb the stairs; Walk or bike to work, shopping or any destination; sightseeing tour; Make purchases in person rather than ‘online’; Spend more time on your feet; Doing household chores…” In short, it’s about using our bodies for what they were ‘designed’ to do…to move!

(TagstoTranslate)Healthy-Living/Wellness(T)Articles Gema Garcia Marcos(T)HBPR

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