This is the satellite which will hit the Earth today on February 21.

Heritage ERS-2 is expected to enter Earth’s atmosphere at 10:32 a.m. Mexico time, with no risk believed to be present, although some fragments will not disintegrate and impact the surface.

Satellite HeritageER-2 will enter Earth’s atmosphere naturally this Wednesday to disintegrate after the end of its useful life. According to the European Space Agency (ESA), from where its orbital decline is being monitored.

The ESA Space Debris Office makes this prediction based on the latest updated data re-entry This satellite weighing about two tonnes will be launched at around 4:32 pm. gmt (10:32 Central Mexico Time) on February 21 with an uncertainty of plus/minus 4.6 hours.

This uncertainty is primarily due to the effects of unpredictable solar activity, which affects the density of the Earth’s atmosphere and, hence, the resistance experienced by the satellite.

When the satellite reaches about 80 kilometers from Earth, it will start breaking into pieces and most of it will burn up completely. risks associated with reentry ESA reminds that the number of satellites is very small.

Some small fragments may survive, although it is too early to tell, According to agency sources; If this had happened, they would probably have fallen into the sea.

ERS-2 was launched in 1995, following in the footsteps of its sister satellite ERS-1, launched four years earlier. According to ESA, at the time, these two were the most sophisticated Earth observation satellites ever developed.

In 2011, the agency retired ERS-2 and began the satellite’s controlled re-entry process. Now the time has come for this satellite to re-enter the atmosphere naturally (uncontrolled) and start disintegrating.

ESA announced its mission in 2011 and later reduced its altitude from approximately 785 kilometers to 573 kilometers to reduce the risk of collisions with other satellites; Similarly, it was ensured that all batteries and pressurized systems were evacuated or secured, and electronic systems were shut down.

This reduced the risk of the satellite breaking into pieces due to internal failure while at the altitude used by active satellites.

The removal of this satellite was in keeping with the space debris reduction guidelines that ESA imposed on new projects at the time, “reflecting the Agency’s strong commitment to reducing space debris.”

After 13 years of orbital deceleration, the satellite will naturally re-enter Earth’s atmosphere. As re-entry approaches, experts will be able to predict the time and location with greater certainty.

ESA’s Space Debris Office is closely monitoring this in coordination with several international partners.

Understanding Climate Change

ERS carried with it a suite of instruments that included an imaging synthetic aperture radar, a radar altimeter, and other powerful sensors to measure sea surface temperatures and offshore winds. ERS-2 had another sensor to measure atmospheric ozone.

The two collected massive amounts of data on polar ice decline, changes in the Earth’s surface, rising sea levels, warming oceans and atmospheric chemistry. Additionally, they were used to monitor severe floods and earthquakes in remote locations.

“The mission laid the foundation for many of today’s satellites and ESA’s position at the forefront of Earth observation.”

Thousands of scientific papers have been published based on their information, and thanks to the Heritage Programme, which ensures that data from now defunct satellites will continue to be used, “about our ever-changing world and the risks we face “More findings will continue to emerge.” .” “, concludes the ESA.

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