Thousands of people took to the streets around the world to protest Navalny’s death and pay tribute to him.

Thousands of people took to the streets around the world to protest and pay tribute to Navalny after his death (Reuters)

Streets around the world were filled with people walking out counter After the death of the Russian activist Alexey Navalny and give up Homage for his tireless efforts Fight for freedom and democracy in the country,

Opposition to Vladimir Putin and his brutal techniques of persecuting and eliminating dissidents are no longer limited to the borders of his region; On the contrary, people in countries on all continents view the subordination of order and authority in the country with increasing concern and raise their voices in protest.

Thus, in the last few hours, images of moscow, st petersburg, barcelona, munich, berlin, New York And londonIn addition to other cities, where people showed their disdain for Putin and held him responsible for what happened before.

“Bloody Killer”, “Rome for Navalny”, “never give up”, “Putin to The Hague” And “Killer Putin” Some of the slogans that were read on people’s signs were, along with presidential images And blood picture, Similar slogans could be heard among crowds outside Russian consulates in each city.

“Bloody killer”, “Rome for Navalny”, “Never surrender”, “Putin to the Hague” and “Killer Putin” are some of the slogans that were read on people’s posters (Reuters)

“I am here because Russia should and can be a democratic country”Another Russian was added in Poland who wanted to be identified only as Denislan.

For the most part, the demonstrations passed peacefully, except in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the Kremlin ordered increased harassment and police action.

The NGO OVD-Info reported that, as a result, a woman who had a sign with opposition messages taken into custody with local channel journalist rusnews Yulia Petrova While reporting on a live broadcast of the worker’s death.

The Russian Prosecutor’s Office also issued a warning to the entire population explaining that organizing, holding or participating in “unauthorized” protest actions “is and may constitute an administrative offense” in accordance with Article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. “Give rise to sanctions that may go up to administrative arrest.”

A woman carrying a poster with opposition messages was arrested in Moscow (Reuters)

While a large group came out to demand justice for the death of the persecuted politician, others decided to pay tribute to him.

Another group of people paid tribute to the activist (Reuters)

in russia, wall of pain -which reminds of people persecuted during the Soviet era- and solovetsky stoneIn Lubyanka Square, – a monument dedicated to the victims of repression – was filled flowers and photos Navalny’s.

Many people also stayed together lighting candles On the doorsteps of embassies, UN headquarters and even railway stations, where they set up improvised memorials. One of the attendees recalled, “Even in prison he was able to find strength and give strength to those who opposed him,” while another described him as “a hero.”

Russian authorities reported the rival’s death this Friday in a maximum security prison in the Arctic Circle, where he was serving a nearly 30-year sentence for extremism and fraud. So far, official data on the causes of his death are unknown; We just know what officials reported moments after the incident: “He felt bad after the walk. Necessary resuscitation procedures were performed but they yielded no results.

The rival died this Friday under circumstances that have not yet been defined (Reuters)

However, the world immediately blamed Putin for this fact, while the Kremlin distanced itself from the accusations and assured that it would be up to “doctors” to “clarify” what happened.

(With information from AFP and Europa Press)

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