Ultimately, after the expansion of the CNE the Unitary Platform managed to register a candidate for the presidential elections in Venezuela.

Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia

He National Election Council Venezuela’s (CNE) reported this Tuesday his registration as a candidate for the July 28 presidential election by the Democratic Unity Roundtable (current Democratic Unity Platform). Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, After the alliance failed in nomination Corina Yorischosen for not being able to compete Maria Corina Machado Due to being incompetent.

After a 12-hour extension granted by the CNE after the closing of the application period, the unitary platform finally managed to enter the application system to register González Urrutia this Tuesday.

The purpose of this action is Reserve a spot on the Democratic Unity Table (MUD) card For future talks with the government Nicolas MaduroWith the intention of allowing the candidature of a unitary opposition.

The nomination of González was confirmed by the President of the CNE, who previously served as Venezuela’s ambassador to Argentina and Algeria. elvis amoroso, In statements sent by VTV.

The nomination process, which ended on the night of March 25 with the registration of 12 candidates, accepted the nomination of the Governor manuel rozales Through the card of his party Un Nuevo Tiempo, Fuerza represents, with the support of Vaccinal, several mayors and councilors identified as opposition.

Archive photo of the headquarters of the National Electoral Council (CNE) in Caracas (Venezuela) (EFE/Reiner Peña R.)

By noon this Tuesday, the formal candidacy of the Unitary Platform was presented by the academic Corina Yoris, who was nominated as the replacement for María Corina Machado, elected in the primaries on October 22. However, Machado faces 15 years of political ineligibility.

Unitary Forum leaders condemned Many hurdles during the application process, Specifically related to blocks on MUD and UNT cards. However, Rosales’s separate registration for his party was achieved at the end of the deadline.

Rosales, rival hugo chavez In 2006, Tuesday defended his candidacy in the July presidential elections in Venezuela, which he submitted at the last minute without the support of opposition leader María Corina Machado, who was prevented from participating in the election.

“I had to make a decision which was “Open up space for Venezuelans to vote or abstain and let Maduro stay there for six years without doing anything else.” Rosales said in his first statement to the press after running after midnight.

Rosales, 71, filed a last-minute nomination with his party Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) after access to the automated platform for nominating candidates was blocked.

Given the impossibility of registering his candidacy within the deadlines established by the CNE, Machado had confirmed that he would remain on the electoral path, without explaining how he would do so.

Regarding Rosales’ application, the former deputy avoided answering and stressed on several occasions that his and the PUD’s candidate is still Corina Yoris, even though she could not register in the CNE system.

(With information from AFP and EFE)

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