UMH launches psychological counseling unit to improve psychosocial well-being of university students

Alicante, January 22 (Europa Press) –

The Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche (Alicante) has launched a Psychological Counseling Unit with the aim of addressing the psychological care needs of the university community and improving their psychosocial well-being as well as academic performance and performance.

Through this unit, UMH provides resources that protect and enhance mental health, one of the main axes of the #UMHsaludABLE program, the educational institution explained in a statement.

With the launch of this unit, the UMH complies with Article 43 of the LOSU on the creation of basic units in this matter, thanks to the provision of specialist personnel and the appointment of a Regional Directorate of Emotional Well-Being and Psychological Counselling, which it anticipates in the UMH. Instituted by José Antonio Piqueras, professor of personality, assessment and psychological treatment.

The most notable objectives and services of this entity include the promotion of health promotion through campaigns, workshops and conferences that train people or facilitate the acquisition of skills to improve the management of their mental health, stress Or promote good practices on anxiety control, promoting development. Coping strategies and enhancing personal performance.

In addition, individual psychological counseling regarding conditions related to psychological well-being and academic counseling for work performance (UMH staff) or academic performance (students).

Likewise, it will serve to disseminate the different campaigns and initiatives that the University promotes within the framework of its #UMHsaludABLE program or in collaboration with the Spanish Network of Health Promoting Universities (REUPS) or the Valencian Community of Healthy Public Universities.

Furthermore, it will contribute to mediating situations of possible interpersonal conflict or harassment between members of the university community, with the aim of promoting an “adequate” university coexistence environment.

Other objectives of the Psychological Counseling Unit In addition to developing the necessary operating protocols for adequate care and/or promoting healthy habits of the UMH, the Commission will transfer initiatives that are of interest to the university community. Effectiveness in management.

It will also allow referral and working closely with the occupational risk prevention service or the disability support unit in cases that require special attention or monitoring or that require adaptation to the situation or educational activity, respectively.

The UMH Psychological Counseling Unit will be located on the ground floor of the El Clot Sports Training Complex on the Elche campus.

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