UN warns of violence in Honduras despite state of emergency

The UN Human Rights Office in Honduras presented its annual report this Tuesday, which once again noted persistent violence and an increase in attacks against human rights defenders and journalists despite a prolonged state of emergency, resulting in 24,563 arrests.

In that sense, the annual report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) indicates that violence and insecurity are “affecting” Honduras.

According to data cited by OHCHR, the number of murders in Honduras decreased by 17% in 2023, but violent deaths of women increased by 24.2%.

Isabel Albaladejo, OHCHR representative in Honduras, told EFE that structural problems “remain” in the country, such as violence, impunity and lack of access to justice, which underlie human rights violations.

“They are structural problems that have gone on for years and that cannot be addressed in the short term, impunity, lack of access to justice, violence, especially violence against women, there is also a development model that has led to some Areas have been given privilege. Harm to the majority of the population,” he stressed.

However, Albaladejo highlighted “initial progress” in Honduras, as well as the government’s “willingness” to address these problems on behalf of civil society.

Attacks against defenders and journalists have increased

The UN office noted that Honduras recorded a “substantial increase” in attacks against human rights defenders, primarily those protecting land, territory and the environment, and journalists in 2023, “without providing any response.” The risk situation these people face.”

“The lack of effective response from the national security system is a matter of concern, primarily due to the lack of timely and effective implementation of appropriate security measures,” the report highlights.

Last year, OHCHR recorded 363 attacks against 453 people, of whom 308 human rights defenders and 145 journalists, which ended in the killing of 15 defenders and two communicators.

Albacete also expressed his concern about the “independence and impartiality” of the judiciary and the prolonged duration of the state of emergency, which is effective through December 2022, “without justifying its necessity, proportionality and appropriateness and without being sufficient.” Judicial control.

According to official figures, within the state of emergency the National Police made approximately 24,563 arrests, including 1,581 women and 322 minors, and conducted more than 16,988 raids.

Albayaldejo urged Honduras to promote “inclusive, equitable” development models and adopt legal frameworks and institutional practices to “tackle and reverse” violence and impunity.

Last year, according to the OHCHR report, “no significant steps were taken” in Honduras toward adopting a comprehensive security policy with a human rights approach with an emphasis on prevention and research that addresses the structural causes of violence and insecurity. .

Rodolfo Pastor, Minister of the Presidency of Honduras, told journalists that the OHCHR report reflects the “sad reality” that Honduras faces in guaranteeing human rights to its residents.

The document “is irrefutable” and also represents “an opportunity to act” on behalf of the government and civil society to resolve the “absence of justice” in the country, the pastor said, drawing attention to the human rights situation from all sectors. Asked for commitment for improvement. Honduras. efe


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