UNIR brings together experts in an international scientific conference to focus on emotional well-being in the family and the mental health of children and adolescents

This congress is co-organized with the Spanish Association for Research and Development of Family Therapy (AEI+DTF) and will be held online and in person from 22 to 24 February.

UNIR brings together experts in an international scientific conference to focus on emotional well-being in the family and the mental health of children and adolescents

Pilar Berzosa, President of the Organizing Committee, along with Adela López, President of the Scientific Committee and Vice-Rector of UNIR.

La Rioja International University (UNIR) And this Spanish Association for Research and Development of Family Therapy (AEI+DTF) The International Congress will hold: “Prevention and family treatment to improve child and adolescent mental health.”

The meeting will be held in person and through OnlineFrom 22 to 24 February at the UNIR Rectorate in La Riojaand will bring together national and international experts and professionals in the field of children and adolescents’ mental health to debate and analyze various problems affecting the emotional well-being of families.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression and anxiety are some of the leading causes of illness and disability in adolescents, and a significant number of deaths among adolescents aged 15 to 19 years are due to suicide.

in the words of adela lopez martinezChairman of the Scientific Committee of the Congress and Vice-Rector of UNIR Students, “The aim of this Congress is to create a space for social and scientific transfer, where family needs are made visible in terms of emotional well-being and innovative solutions for prevention. ” Remedies are proposed.”

This conference is for professionals, teachers, researchers and university students. “A meeting point to share experiences, encourage interdisciplinary dialogue, and promote practices that improve mental health in families,” says the chair of the Congressional Scientific Committee.

Scientists are debating the mental health of children and teens

latest report “Attitudes to mental health in Spain” This shows that in general 70% of mental disorders begin in childhood and adolescence, data that highlights the need for adequate care and that in many cases it is not taken into account by health professionals, as indicated in the report. From the ANAR Foundation which revealed that only 44% of children or adolescents with suicidal behavior received psychological treatment between 2019 and 2022.

The event highlights the concern of researchers about raising awareness about the mental health of children and adolescents and the importance of research and transfer in this area. Pilar Berzosa.

In the words of the Chairman of the Congress Organizing Committee, pilar barzosa, “This event highlights the concern of researchers about raising awareness about the mental health of children and adolescents and the importance of research and transfer in this area. A need that arises from professionals working in different countries and in different sectors.

Among the main topics the experts will address are: “Family-school relationships: the key to mental health prevention in the school environment”; “Prevention and promotion of mental health in community and family environments”; “Family mental health interventions”, as well as the risks associated with new technologies in relation to “Bullying in school today”. “Internet Risks” and “Intervening in the Problems of Adolescents and their Families.”

“Effective intervention and prevention strategies will be sought to improve the mental health of children and adolescents based on the clinical practice of family therapy, the experience of educational centers, and scientific evidence,” says Berzosa.

As notable presentations at the Congress, we can mention the presentation that addressed “Emotional education as prevention in family mental health”. rafael bisquera, President of the International Network of Emotional Education and Well-Being; “Suicide Prevention: The Danish Model for Improving the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents”, by Merette Nordentoft, “Mental health in childhood. Investigation with evidence”, by George Eduardo Goethe, from the University of the Andes; And for example, “Systemic treatment in mental disorders of children and adolescents”. Iolanda D’AscenzoFrom the Sant Pau School of Family Therapy in Barcelona.

Family Well-Being: A Priority for Experts

Given the growing health and emotional well-being problems faced by children and youth populations, the academic coordinator of the Congress believes that it “creates a platform for social and scientific transfer to also elucidate family needs for emotional well-being.” It is necessary to do.” As prevention and treatment solutions are proposed.”

“The situation we are experiencing affects not only youth, but all family members.”Who face problems to which they do not know the solution and need advice to be able to treat them appropriately,” says Berzosa.

With this objective, this Congress highlights the clinical practice of family medicine, practice in educational centers and the organization and design of strategies to address the prevention and treatment of mental health oriented by scientific evidence.

UNIR is committed to projects focused on improving the quality of life of children, young people and their families through the prevention and treatment of mental health-related problems. Adela Lopez.

In this sense, Adela López recalls that “UNIR focuses on improving the quality of life of children, young people and their families by preventing and treating problems related to Internet use, addictions, risky behaviors and mental health problems. Committed to focused projects.” ” This concern gives rise to the desire to organize a congress in collaboration with the Spanish Association for Research and Development of Family Therapy.

More information and congress program: https://congresoterapiafamiliar.unir.net/

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