Unitary Platform warns about increase in persecution against democratic forces in Venezuela

Image of Nicolás Maduro (EFE/Bienvenido Velasco)

Democratic Unitary Forum The main opposition coalition (PUD) in Venezuela warned this Wednesday about the “pretense” of the regime Nicolas Maduro The head of state described the party as “continuing to persecute” against “democratic forces”. sell venezuela (VV) -member of the coalition-, led by former deputy Maria Corina Machado, As a terrorist”.

“We condemn the intention of the Nicolas Maduro regime to continue oppression against democratic forces by classifying Venezuelans.” As a terrorist and criminal group”, published in Coalition X.

The PUD considers this situation “delicate” because, as it explained, when “the State falsely accuses Venezuelans, political parties and civil organizations, their human and civil rights are violated.” The authoritarianism that characterizes governance has intensified,

In the forum’s opinion, Maduro intends to “go for VV’s comrades and democratic forces, even for María Corina Machado”, which he described as a “cowardly act” Against those who work “for change” for Venezuela.

In this sense, he alerted Venezuelans and the international community about “this attack by Nicolás Maduro” and reiterated his commitment to “change this 2024 through electoral and democratic means, so that freedom and justice return to the country”.

National coordinator of Vente Venezuela (VV), Henry Alvárez (EFE/File)

At present, candidates from this wide area are being opposed in the presidential election to be held on July 28. Edmundo Gonzalez UrrutiaRegistered during the extension granted by election officials after PUD reported hurdles in applying Corina YorisThe standard bearer was elected last week due to Machado’s inability to compete due to his disqualification.

González Urrutia can be replaced as of April 1, unless he has any administrative sanction or impediment contemplated by law, and National Election Council (CNE) accepts the candidature to replace him.

In addition to González Urrutia, a dozen politicians, including the head of the regime, filed their candidacies within the deadline established by the CNE, during which the PUD condemned. Barriers to applying for your candidate, which was rejected by the international community including Brazil and Colombia, Those who have been allies of the Chavista regime reacted by rejecting those statements.

This Tuesday, during a television appearance within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Hugo Chávez’s departure from the Carcel de la Dignidad, Maduro took aim at the party. Machado and described it as a “Terrorist” organization,

The anti-Chavista coalition condemned Maduro’s intention to go for María Corina Machado, after the Vente Venezuela party was designated a terrorist group (AP/Ariana Cubillos).

“They follow me to try attack my life, As demonstrated yesterday with the capture of individuals from the terrorist movement called Vente Venezuela. This vente would be terrorist”The Chavistas began by saying this in reference to the arrest order made a day earlier in Caracas against two alleged members of the political group, whom they claim intended to attack them during an event organized for their presidential nomination. Was about to attack.

“Today two people were caught with weapons who intended to attack me. They have already declared, they are part of Far-right fascist party Vente Venezuela“, he then commented, to which Machado’s circle responded by “categorically rejecting the allegations” and assuring that “we do not know the identity and reject” and “remain with our party. “

However, in recent days Maduro has repeatedly ordered arrest of associates And related to VV, always keep claiming Alleged links to the “White Bracelet” schemeWho will try to kill him.

(with information from EFE)

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