United Kingdom announces investment of over USD 310 million in artillery ammunition for Ukraine

The United Kingdom announced an investment of over USD 310 million in artillery ammunition for Ukraine. (Europa Press/Contact)

He United Kingdom announced this Saturday an investment of approximately $310 million in a new ammunition pack Considering the Ukrainian Army’s artillery reserves “fundamental to the war effort”, he planned to reinforce them by the following year.

“The UK will spend £245 million over the next year to procure and revitalize supply chains for production.” artillery ammunition which Ukraine urgently needs,” said a statement published by Ministry of Defence Coinciding with the second anniversary of the Russian invasion.

“Despite all odds, Ukrainian Armed Forces They have pushed back the Russian invaders to get back half of the land that Putin took away from them (…), but they cannot win this battle without the support of the public International communityAnd that is why we continue to do whatever is necessary to guarantee that Ukraine can continue to fight for victory,” the Defense Minister said. Grant Shapps.

After two years of armed conflict, British officials have reiterated their support for Ukraine and promised that “they will do whatever is necessary to ensure that it can continue to fight for victory”. Emphasizing that “Artillery has proven vital to Ukraine’s successes on the battlefieldConstantly humiliating the Russian forces and preventing them from making significant advances.

After two years of armed conflict, British officials reiterated their support for Kiev and promised that they would “do whatever is necessary to ensure that it can continue to fight for victory.” (Europa Press/Amy Dilger)

“The UK’s funding of almost a billion pounds will boost its vital artillery ammunition stockpile, while Royal Air Force complete new delivery of advanced anti-tank missiles, “Together we will ensure Putin’s failure and the victory of democracy, the rules-based international order, and the Ukrainian people,” Shapps said.

In addition to this economic boost aimed at artillery and missiles, the British Ministry of Defense noted “a new series of multimillion-dollar contracts” aimed at providing “hundreds of replacement tracks for tanks and armored vehicles, allowing the Ukrainian Will “provide the armed forces to service and repair vehicles damaged by anti-tank weapons and landmines.” The defense statement said the contracts would “comprise a combination of funding from the United Kingdom and funding from the United Kingdom.” International Fund for Ukraine,

The letter concludes, “The Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary and the Defense Secretary are committed to continuing military support for Ukraine, which is why the UK military support budget for FY 2024/25 has been increased for the first time to £2.5 billion Is.” Underlines the importance of unity and international solidarity to defeat Russia in this conflict.

“If we maintain the unity and solidarity seen to date, and continue to strongly support our brave Ukrainian partners (military, economically and diplomatically), Russia will continue to fail and Ukraine will emerge as a strong, prosperous and Will lay the foundation for a flourishing sovereign nation… and NATO becoming even stronger,” said Chief of Defense Staff, Admiral Tony Radakin.

“The United Kingdom will spend £245 million over the next year to purchase and revitalize supply chains for the production of artillery weapons that Ukraine urgently needs,” a statement published by the Ministry of Defense said. (Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach)

On your part, the French President, Emmanuel MacronHe warned his Russian counterpart this Saturday, Vladimir PutinThat “there is no need to count”european fatiguein the war against ukraineAnd that his support for Kyiv “will not waver.”

“Two years of war. Battered and wounded, but standing. ukraine Fights for himself, for his ideals, for his Europe. “Our commitment to you will not diminish,” Macron wrote in a message published by the Elysee on the social network X to mark the second anniversary of the Russian invasion.

He stressed that “President Putin’s Russia should not count on the fatigue of Europeans.”

“The outcome of this war will be decisive for European interests, values ​​and security. France is and will be in favor of this ukraine And of the Ukrainian people,” he said.

(With information from Europa Press and AFP)

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