Venezuelan opposition denounces that Maduro regime does not allow registration of María Corina Machado’s candidate Corina Yoris

PUD proposes Yoris as its standard bearer for the July 28 elections (EFE)

“They have already passed more than 54 hours From the beginning of the application period Without allowing us access to the system to be able to apply Dr. Corina Yoris“, Condemned it Democratic Unitary ForumThe opposition alliance that wants to take the candidate Maria Corina Machado as its candidate for the July 28 elections.

The main anti-Chavista coalition in Venezuela yesterday proposed historian Corina Yoris as a candidate for the presidential election in late July in the wake of the disqualification that prevents Machado from competing.

We repeat it once again: nothing and no one will divert us from the electoral path Achieve change for our Venezuela through majority vote“, assured the PUD, condemning the ruling party’s maneuver to block access to the candidature registration system.

A day earlier, Machado, who had emerged as Nicolás Maduro’s main rival in elections since October, announced the decision to nominate Yvoris, an idea that “emerged from the discussion of the unitary forces” and is part of a mechanism Who agreed to “confront”. This obstacle,” in reference to his disqualification, approved by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in January, a sanction he described “An irrational, completely unconstitutional and cowardly act.”

Machado said at a press conference, “We found the right person and (…) she is a person who is respected by everyone who has known her during her academic, professional and civic life.” “Not disabled,” like A person you “trust completely”,

Until this ban is resolved, his group, Vente Venezuela, warned, the former deputy will continue “touring throughout Venezuela” to “bring strength and hope to every corner of the country.” “Let’s fight this battle together”She was declared the “Iron Lady”, as her followers baptized her.

Machado, on the other hand, accused the regime of willfulness “Close the road and election route” “Denying all Venezuelans the path to independence in peace,” he promised, “will not achieve it (because) we are determined to move forward and stay on this path and accomplish it.” Committed to doing what needs to be done.” “The mandate, the mandate of almost three million Venezuelans, who showed the world what we are capable of with a spectacular primary on October 22.”

He concluded that a majority opposition would find an “antidote” to “every trap” found in the presidential election.

Machado promised to protect Maduro from every trap he laid on his way to the presidential election (EFE).

For his part, after hearing the news, Yoris said he felt “Highly committed to people” With Venezuela and Machado, whom he thanked for “this act of trust” and expressed his desire to move towards “the path of change in Venezuela”. “We are headed down a path of transition We have to go through this together. All we need, no one is superfluous here“, he commented.

Yoris has degrees in philosophy and literature, doctor in history and university professor. He was elected unanimously within the PUD, where he has actively participated in the social and educational sector since November 2022 and where he has served as a core member of the National Primary Commission.

(with information from EFE)

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