Video: Maduro spent a lot of money to land all his allies’ planes in Carupano

Nicolas Maduro in Carupano. photo courtesy

A brave TikTok user published a recording capturing a Convisa aircraft and a handful of smaller planes at General José Francisco Bermúdez Airport, located in Carupano, Sucre state, where Nicolás Maduro held a political rally.

“It is at Carupano Airport, planes do not normally land here. Today President Nicolás Maduro came and saw the amazing Conviasa aircraft that is there,” the complainant commented in his video.

“Besides, there are six more aircraft, jets. In other words, for the President to come, the Conviasa bunkhouse was not enough, but he would have to bring so many planes, jets, like seven, six, he continued.

“How much does it cost the nation to move all those small planes? What is the point of spending the nation’s, the people’s money (…) Why do they need those few planes to come here to Carupano just for one person? No. “There’s no drug, no mist, no injector, no nothing.”

The resident of Carupano expressed that “What it gives is anger, it gives pain.”

In February, aeronautical authorities announced that the said airport would be rehabilitated during the next Easter. However, the complainant also highlighted the apparent abandonment in the video and the presence of weeds around it.

Hours after the video was recorded, Maduro commented from the streets: “It has been a historic day that I will never forget, seeing and feeling the outpouring of love of the people of Carupano in the streets with our boys, girls, men. ” Women of feet. Let us raise our voices and let the oligarchs and elites hear it: the people united will never be defeated.

Although the period set by the CNE for running electoral campaigns has not yet arrived, the PSUV president ignores the rules and uses Venezuelan state resources in an attempt to regain his low popularity.

Video: @alexandermarin2220/TikTok

(TagstoTranslate)Nicolás Maduro(T)Sucr

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