Warning: Fake doctor serves patients at Peruvian medical college TACNA

The CMP Committee to Fight the Illegal Practice of Medicine filed a criminal complaint.

Recently, the Committee to Fight the Illegal Practice of Medicine and joined the Regional Council or National Registry of Medical Specialties of the Medical Colleges of Peru (CMP) with tuition. This individual, who claimed to be CMP 1008828 and who cared for pediatric patients, would be practicing medicine in the country illegally, which represents a direct threat to the health of the population.

The absence of proper certification in CMP suggests that Mr. Tai Stagnaro may be performing medical practices without the necessary competencies. This scenario poses a significant risk to the health and well-being of Peruvians, especially in the pediatric setting, where specialized care is vital. Dr. Jorge Lopez Claros, dean of Tacna Medical College, said the illegal practice of medicine is not only an ethical violation, but also a serious crime that should be treated with the utmost seriousness. “It is imperative that the competent authorities take prompt and effective steps to stop the activities of this fake doctor and guarantee the safety of patients,” the manager declared.

Dr. Milagros Sanchez, chair of the committee, said the CMP also works to combat the illegal practice of medicine in the provinces. “Illegal practice of medicine in the country is a problem that must be stopped and we must involve citizens so that they can report incidents of this nature,” the doctor explained. Furthermore, he noted that Article 11 of the Regulations of the Medical College of Peru states that membership is an essential requirement for the practice of the medical profession in the Republic of Peru.

All people have a public access portal “Meet Your Doctor” through which they can confirm that the person treating them is a doctor recognized by the Medical College, which will protect their health and physical integrity:

The Medical College of Peru is an autonomous institution of internal public law, representative of the medical profession throughout the Republic. (More information here: www.cmp.org.pe,

Miraflores 4 January 2024

Medical College of Peru

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