Wellness: How to Change Our “Operating System” and Leave Pain Behind

A short guide to “wellness” that teaches us that sometimes physical pain has emotional origins and, therefore, we also have the power to “uninstall” it from the body’s operating system. Tips and tools to achieve this.

Wellness: How to Change Our “Operating System” and Leave Pain Behind
Emotional care and well-being. Photo: Alamy

When pain settles inside us “OS”, We started working with them automatically pulling paini.e, We get used to carrying it on our bodies And moving the pain to “our back” (or our stomach, neck, waist, etc.).

The most typical physiological stresses are those that are established as Contracture in the neck, waist or back. we say so “to install” Because when they appear they tend to stick around, unless we pay attention and get to work. Of the conditions, the most characteristic are dermatitis, ulcers, pinching.

Going to make his 40th film at the age of 93 He asked iconic film director Clint Eastwood what his secret is To remain active and vital: “I never let the old man into the house,” she replied. And she continued: “When I wake up every day I don’t let the old man in the house, that’s my secret for 60 years, staying busy and never letting the old man in the house.”

I suggest you do the same when pain knocks at the door of our home, our body; That sacred temple that we don’t always care for as much as we should.

Pain in the neck.  Photo: Unsplash Pain in the neck. Photo: Unsplash

Although we do not realize it, many times we, unknowingly, We receive pain – or stress – and let it linger, We adjust to that situation, we naturalize The same happens with other diseases that become chronic: gastritis, ulcers or dermatitis, It’s like putting a stone in your shoe and getting used to living life that way. We incorporate a way of being and living with discomfort into our daily lives, believing that it is “normal.”

However, we also have the power to “limit” the time when that irritation visits, take the pain out of our bodyIf we are not willing to maintain it any longer.

sum.  Photo: Unsplash sum. Photo: Unsplash

The first thing a person definitely does when experiencing discomfort in the body is to seek consultation, but in addition: Do we ask ourselves about pain? Have we let it settle or have we tried to push it out? Other times, perhaps we hope that medicine will “make” the pain go away, we forget that the power lies within us: to heal, the first step is to decide to do so.

Glass of water.  Photo: Unsplash.

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Emotions and our “operating system”

people have “OS”. By this we mean a way of acting, doing, being and living. A complex system where the mind commands the body to function.

Emotions are between mind and body, not that they are in the “middle”, but that there is a mind, a body, and emotions. Emotions, when manifested, release certain chemicals that affect the body in different ways. If emotions are expressed fluidly and harmoniously, the body will flow in a harmonious and healthy manner. Too. Conversely, when we do not connect with emotions or manage them properly, those “emotional pain” are located in the body; This happens without our realizing it. popular wisdom He explains this in simple phrases like, “My heart breaks” when faced with sadness, or “I took off the backpack” (usually excess luggage causes stress or pain). Excessive irritability (e.g., being nervous, angry) can cause irritable bowel syndrome and emotional stress can cause ulcers along with other pathologies.

Good News This means that we have the power to decide what we want to do and achieve it. For him, then We will go through three steps to “uninstall” our “operating system” problem:

mental health.  Photo: Unsplash. mental health. Photo: Unsplash.

cocoa beans.  Photo: Unsplash

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Step by step: How to remove pain from the body:

Step 1. Reduce the pain

Question that pain, start denying it and propose removing the pain from our bodies, getting the pain out of the house (stop living with Mrs. “Dolores”…). Now is the time to begin ordering the body to order itself in a different way, resetting the system from mind to body. This is the stage in which you decide to do something different from what you have been doing till now.


at least once a daySpend a few minutes to “connect” with the pain and Remember the new decision. It is important to believe that this will help us feel better. During that time of reflection, we should ask ourselves the following questions:

  • How long have I had this pain?
  • Is there any other emotional pain (anxiety, sadness, guilt, fear) behind this physical pain? Does it correspond to some important event in my life?
  • Has anyone else in my primary family had pain or illness?
  • Then we should close our eyes and take three deep breaths. After that, We will silently repeat the following statements (Can be said in other words):

– “I decide to live a healthy life from today”
– “I release pain and tension in my body”
– “I am a healthy creature, I just forgot that I was healthy”
– “I forgive myself for forgetting to take care of my body”

Step 2. Change the habit of approach: equal action, equal results

If what you’ve done so far hasn’t worked, now is the time Change method.

Emotions produce neurotransmitters, something like a “chemical” that is released in the body (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins). When this is repeated, the body gets used to it and “asks for more”; We become “addicted” to that feeling. A perfect example is a person who complains. People who complain all the time, the more they complain and the more they need to complain, and when they hang out with people who complain, they feel less comfortable listening and limiting their complaints. do, they have become “addicted” to complaining.

Resources to use:

  • Do some physical activity. Get “in motion” to achieve the goal. Return to a sport or start a new one.
  • Make an alternative consultation that has not been done so far: osteopath, nutritionist, homeopath, Reiki, Bach flowers, alternative medicine.
  • Start a practice that helps you relax (meditation, yoga, reading, etc.)

Step 3. Focus on health (not pain)

Give programmatic and methodical status to this therapy. Scheduling these actions over a period of time makes it possible to observe and measure results in the short term., If improvement is felt within that period, it can be extended, or discontinued if the opposite is true. Discipline, confidence, and patience are extremely important in implementing this method of “uninstalling” the pain of an operating system.


  • Schedule this program for 4 weeks (it could be 2, or even 6)
  • Commit to completing some of the daily scheduled tasks (take a few minutes to remember that we are “reprogramming” ourselves to eliminate pain or reduce it).
  • Stop “suffering” from pain: We all have a certain attitude towards pain. We can complain, accept it or activate ourselves to reduce or fix it. It is important to see what our attitude towards that pain is, to be able to modify it)

Life is a game that invites us to play (live) and we decide to play (live) in a certain way.

If we are living in pain we can change the game and go from “sick” to “well.” To believe it, is to create it.

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