What a cash! UDA Faculty of Medicine remodels and names its symbolic main auditorium

03:31 pm

After six months of work, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Antioquia inaugurated with great fanfare this Monday, February 12, its renovated auditorium, a place through which many statues have passed. The most important medicines in Antioquia and the country in the last 75 years.

There were improvements in lighting, acoustics, audio-visual projection, seating arrangements etc. on the stage. The facility, which will now be named Tiberio Álvarez Echeverri in honor of one of the most outstanding teachers of the Faculty in recent decades, has been the scene of representative ceremonies for the academic community such as the delivery of gowns, esculapios and graduations.

“There is no better name to designate this place than our distinguished professor Tiberio Álvarez Echeverri. A tribute to a lifetime of recognition of the outstanding career and commitment to excellence in the Faculty,” said John Jairo Arboleda, Rector of the University of Antioquia.

“These tributes make one think and reflect on what we have done, Characters, stories, moments, tears, decision making, meetings, Whatever happened here, said Professor Tiberio Alvarez, who added that the auditorium now bears his name, not for scientific achievements, but for his dedication to compiling history. I thank my family for their support and patience in allowing me to write about this beautiful history of Antioquia medicine.

According to the Dean of the Faculty, Pablo Patiño Grajales, “This scenario reflects the history of many students and professors who He became a reference in the city and the country. This is a place for community.” The Dean also specified that although “the reconstruction of this auditorium can be seen as something only related to infrastructure, but more than an auditorium, it will create a learning environment and academic and socio-cultural fabric.” Is.”

The reconstruction of the symbolic auditorium connects to another project undertaken by the Faculty of Medicine with significant historical, social and heritage significance, such as the Museum of Life, Inaugurated in the La Navira building last October, In the heart of downtown Medellin.

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It took five years to realize the dream of creating a space in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Antioquia that would preserve the memory of all those names, procedures, scientific advances and medical equipment, all those steps taken to achieve life expectancy for people. Made it possible for him to twist his hand.

Thus, four months ago, the Museum of Life opened in the La Navaira building, the same one that had inaugurated the era of modern architecture in Medellín in 1949, leaving behind Spanish and French influence. The building at the corner of the Palace, where La Playa loses its name and becomes May Day, was built as a symbol of the ambition of penniless industrialists to make their way through the country’s ports.

The place, which contains unique pieces fundamental to writing the history of medicine in the country (and whose main donor was Professor Tiberio himself), is open to the public for its fascinating tours upon registration.

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