What are the benefits of exercising on an empty stomach?

The method of performing physical activity on an empty stomach is based on the physiological cycle of activity-reward-rest, which suggests that humans are designed to perform tasks on an empty stomach in search of food (illustrative image Infobae)

I’m sure you already know this Sedentary life is the enemy of health, Perhaps they also believe the same while making Exercisefirst you have to Eat -“Refill” the energy tanks – and then move on. And they are not wrong, because this is what is generally recommended.

However, doing physical activity with empty stomach can present something advantages In apparently healthy people whose metabolism has begun to change due to a sedentary lifestyle. Traveling on an empty stomach is a trend from which we will analyze in this article. HealthNot with a sports performance focus.

But before getting into the matter, let us tell you that this exercise should only be considered if we are going to do physical exercise. medium Like walking, doing household work, practicing yoga or any other low-intensity activity. Regarding fasting, it is suggested to exercise a few hours after eating (in the morning before breakfast) or just before the next meal.

Poor diet can lead to loss of metabolic flexibility, making it difficult to use fat as a source of energy (illustrative image Infobay)

The method of exercising without eating is scientifically supported by the body cycle action-reward-rest, According to evolutionary medicine, humans are designed to roam (hunt) on an empty stomach. Or, in other words, traveling long distances on an empty stomach in search of food.

desire to eat arises orexin, a neuropeptide that keeps us awake and stimulates movement. Furthermore, orexin has been found to be related to certain areas of the brain, which explains the famous phrase “You are smarter than you are hungry.” That is, the body is ready to be alert and move in search of food. Slight state of hunger. On the other hand, when we eat and get a reward, we feel sleepy: the body demands Restdo it digestion And Take advantage of all the nutrients.

This physiological rhythm of work-reward-rest was defined years ago by researchers Manu Chakraborty and Frank Boothby, and is today considered a potential method of intervention to improve health.

One benefit of fasted exercise is that it can improve metabolic flexibility. Depending on the intensity of exercise, the body can use fat or glucose as an energy source (illustrative image infobay)

To explain its potential benefits, we must start by explaining what metabolic syndrome, Its specialty is progressive change Metabolism is related to lifestyle habits such as stress, a sedentary lifestyle and consumption of ultra-processed food, although there may also be a genetic predisposition.

Over time, these bad habits can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol) or type 2 diabetes, which are risk factors for premature death in the developed world. According to World Health OrganizationAbout 40 million people die every year from these causes. Metabolic syndrome begins to develop long before clinical symptoms appear; When these manifest themselves, it is already difficult to reverse the changes. Therefore, what we do today will determine our health tomorrow.

The first advantage of exercising on an empty stomach is that it can improve metabolic flexibility, the name given to our ability to generate energy through a variety of pathways. Because depending on the intensity of exercise, the body can use fat or glucose as an energy source, although this process is quite complex.

The practice of exercising on an empty stomach is not for everyone. It is not recommended for people who suffer from diabetes, hypoglycemia or high blood pressure (illustrative image infobay)

Sedentary lifestyle and poor diet can cause this Loss Because of this flexibility, it becomes difficult to use fat as a source of energy. People suffering from metabolic diseases often have problems with beta-oxidation of fat deposits and rely primarily on glucose.

Well, running at moderate or low intensity on an empty stomach will force the body to mobilize fat stores, which is favorable. Maintenance of this energy pathway. Thus, exercising on an empty stomach can progressively improve the general state of health, promote metabolic flexibility and even metabolic processes. anti inflammatories,

Secondly, it is important to consider the role of insulin, the hormone responsible for storing blood sugar in the body’s stores. May cause prolonged increase in insulin to hinder Getting energy from fat, as it can block this metabolic pathway.

Sedentary lifestyle is the enemy of health. WHO estimates that 40 million people die from obesity, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol) or type 2 diabetes (Getty).

Thus, when we take in too much glucose, the body adapts by prioritizing its use over fat. lifestyle motionless and consume it again and again foods rich in saturated fat and carbohydrates Insulin levels increase slowly, which can lead to resistance to the hormone disease development Such as type 2 diabetes, among others.

Walking on an empty stomach can be a beneficial strategy reduce blood sugar levels, since muscle contraction during fasting activates the GLUT-4 protein, which facilitates glucose uptake without the need for insulin. Furthermore, by reducing glucose availability after fasting periods, the practice of physical activity encourages the use of fat as an energy substrate, which may contribute to improvements in lipid metabolism and general health.

It is worth remembering here that adipose tissue, or fat, is the originator of inflammation, so it is necessary collect it,

Low-grade inflammatory processes cause many metabolic diseases; Obesity itself causes it. Furthermore, it is said that swelling can reach BrainCreates a state of neuroinflammation that increases perceived fatigue and reduces the level of dopamineThe hormone that motivates us to work.

Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of various medical problems. Additionally, it is possible that the person will look and feel better, with more energy and less stress (illustrative image infobay)

It is known that moderate exercise helps reduce systemic inflammation, but doing it right before or immediately after eating also contributes to modulating bloating after mealsWhich occurs in response to food intake.

Considering all the above, when is it beneficial to do physical activity on an empty stomach? At the moment, it does not provide additional benefit in individuals who lead active lives, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy diet. However, it may be useful Sometimes for starters Experience metabolic imbalance.

People with underlying health conditions should only do this exercise if medical supervisionand is not recommended for individuals who suffer from Diabetes, hypoglycemia or high blood pressure.

In short, this tool cannot be ruled out, but the foundation of health remains a healthy and varied diet and staying active.

*Beatriz Carpalo Porcar is a teacher in the Physiotherapy and Nursing degrees at the University of San Jorge. This article was originally published in Conversation.

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