What does the latest version of TransferMobil offer to users?

Since last December, the Cuban Telecommunications Company (ETECSA) and government authorities announced that TransferMovil, the mobile application for online payments, has been updated again and is now available for download with its new features. What new features does this latest version of the app bring?

At the end of 2023 in Cuba, a new version of Transferomovil was launched, the Cuban application that makes it easy to make online payments from your mobile on the island. The team in charge of the project shared some updates and improvements included in this new version, which can be downloaded from those dates. Below we provide you with some details that you as a user should keep in mind.

According to the information, with the new version V.1.231214, you can open your tax account easily and quickly without going to any bank. Various “economic actors” can create their tax bank accounts from their mobile phones.

To open a tax account through the Bank module in TransferMovil, the main novelty of the update is to follow these steps:

Enter the bank you belong to. Go to the Settings menu. Select to open a tax account. Select Municipality. Select the bank branch and enter the identity card and confirm the action.

Transformovil, the latest version of the Cuban app

From TransferMovil they say that they will then receive an SMS with the identity card data, PAN number, account number and ID of the operation.

In previous versions of TransferMovil, the option to make payments to Aguas de Varadero and purchase packages and plans was already enabled for customers of Banco de Credito y Comercio (BANDEC), Metropolitano de la Habana (BANMET) and Popular de Aharero (BPA). Was.

Additionally, regarding the MiTransfer wallet, a name change was made: the MiTransfer bag is now simply called MiTransfer, with the word “Bolsa” removed. Through this option it is also possible to pay for services and consult in Aguas de Varadero.

Were these changes in the new version of the TransferMobil app useful for you? Let us know what suggestions you would like to give them.

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(TagstoTranslate) ETECSA effect (T) TransferMovil Bank (T) New version of TransferMovil (T) Payment by TransferMovil (T) Online payment for services

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