What is involved in the new logotherapy technique?

In addition to providing relief from the symptoms that a patient suffering from anxiety or depression, Logotherapy promises to maintain emotional well-being From a different perspective, psychotherapy like never before.

What distinguishes this new technique from others is that it is not aimed at momentary relief, on the contrary, it consists of practicing a series of exercises Aim to live a satisfying and meaningful life Which produces better emotional well-being.

What is logotherapy?

A school of psychotherapy founded by psychiatrist and neurologist Viktor Frankl A new technology discovered that promises to be the solution to emotional distress, Although the name given to this new therapy starts with “logos” which means “sense” in Greek, the experts’ proposal is based on this.

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Although there are other treatments available to help people deal with emotional and spiritual distress, Logotherapy goes far beyond a simple exercise, According to Frankl’s explanation, the technique is not step-by-step, however, it is very clear what issues must be addressed to lead to a positive outcome. Below, we explain them to you:

  1. Search for meaning: Finding the meaning of life, the deepest motivations of each person, the motivations that create the desire to become better, is the beginning of psychotherapy.
  2. freedom of choice: Victor highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing the freedom that we have as human beings.
  3. personal responsibility: Experts also mention how valuable it is to understand that no one is responsible for themselves, each person has the responsibility to take care of themselves, therefore, they are the ones in charge of ensuring their own well-being.

Who is logotherapy for?

Although the main purpose of psychotherapy is mentioned, it is used in a variety of clinical contexts, Also in professional development Any individual can apply. What are now called ‘logotherapy’ practitioners work with their patients to discover their emotions, their motivations, their principles and beliefs. To help them find the meaning of life.

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Logotherapy offers a new perspective on emotional well-being because it views it not as a momentary relief but as an exercise. To recognize the meaning of life which varies from person to person, with the promise that mental health will be more stable Recognition of self and value of life.

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