When eating healthy can become pathological torture

Orthorexia Symptoms Covered

Without a doubt, for many people, eating is one of life’s greatest joys, whether alone or in company; By doing this the soul gets excited and enthusiasm increases.

However, when you have negative feelings such as guilt or remorse After eating the desired food, this may be the beginning of a Psychological pathology.

If you want to know more about calories, gluten, weight you gain, time to exercise to eliminate what you eat, weight of what you eat, quality of food, reading nutrition information before, during and after eating, Are worried about. Configure your meals according to your diet, i.e., a sick passion You may be suffering from orthorexia because of your consumption of healthy foods.

Orthorexia begins as an attempt to eat healthy, but the person becomes more obsessive about what and how much to eat, Your self-esteem revolves around the purity of your diet, Therefore, they often feel superior and even become intolerant of other people’s eating beliefs, to the extent that they isolate themselves, avoid meetings and others at meal times. Live with people.

In people with this type of condition, social problems are more pronounced than they usually are. They isolate themselves and plan their lives around foodThey focus most of their time on this.

Do you know… A person who suffers from orthorexia is not worried about being overweight, nor do they have misconceptions about their physical appearance, rather their concern is focused on maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

The difference with respect to other eating disorders (EDs) is that when Anorexia and Bulimia the problem revolves around amount of foodIn orthorexia revolves around quality.

orthorexia not classified Not within the DSM5 (Manual of Classification of Mental Disorders) nor within the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases), although there is controversy as to whether it is a single eating disorder or the result of it or an obsessive process. -Binding.

  • Dedicate more than 3 hours a day to thinking about a healthy diet.
  • Worry more about the quality of food than the enjoyment of it.
  • Their quality of life decreases because the quality of their diet decreases.
  • Feeling guilty about not meeting dietary commitments.
  • Excessive planning of what you will eat the next day.
  • Social isolation due to the type of their diet.

He Treatment of this condition is interdisciplinary And it must be guided by doctors, psychologists and nutritionists, oriented towards cognitive behavioral therapy to modify the distorted beliefs of those who suffer from it.

If any criteria or symptoms are identified, it is recommended Take help from an expert.

The three pillars of being human: eat well, sleep well and do physical activity. (Photo: Freepik)

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