Who are the mestos, medical specialists without official titles who do not have MIR that emerged in the 90s

Doctors operate on a patient (Pexels)

The MIR (Resident Internal Medicine) system was not always standardized. For years, doctors trained through teachers or tutors who could teach them their knowledge in medical specialties. Over time and due to the advent of new regulations in this sector, many people were left behind due to lack of places to enter Specialized Health Training (FSE),

Thus Medical specialist without official title (Mesto), These graduates in Medicine and Surgery have been rendering their services to both public and private health systems for years.

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After the Spanish Civil War, obtaining official specialist titles was deregulated. A doctor can then claim himself to be an expert in any field of medicine without any form of organization to practice. The state has started winding down patronage 1955 with Laws that govern degrees, With this regulation, specialization requires enrollment in professional specialized schools. For two years, graduates learned from a teacher and, once the period had passed, they requested qualifications from the Ministry of Education. it was about A system with no uniformity and barely any control,

In the sixties, some hospitals began to implement training for internal resident doctors. The General Hospital of Asturias was a pioneer in this program. The training included a one-year stay in the hospital as a rotating trainee and three years in the chosen specialism through various specialties. The program was expanded and consolidated by other centers in Spain. He first mir test he came in 1978But it wasn’t until the year 1984 He special health training was established as only legal way Practicing various branches of medicine.

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However, as explained Association of physicians and pharmacist specialists without official titleThe low number of places in the MIR residency system in the last decades of the 20th century resulted in more than 40% of medicine graduates being left out, which They could not access the only specific training route, Graduates continued training in vocational schools, but could not obtain official degrees.

With standardization of medical training, these professionals less and less often, but they are still present in some hospitals and in some cases their recruitment has been brought to justice. In 2018, the Patient Advocate Association sought to investigate the appointment of two anesthetists who did not have the necessary certification to care for patients at a health center in Brazil.

Mesto’s profile is regularized through Royal Decree and Parliamentary initiative. “Mesto are true experts, who carry out their professional activity as doctors in a specialized field with full responsibility and zero supervision, supported by their daily work of 15 to 30 years of practice. In many cases hired by the administration “Defends the association of physicians and pharmacists without official title, for the practice of specific medicine and surgery.

Although there is still a lack of regulation, there are different rules that support the appointment of Mesto. He Supreme CourtFor example, Allows doctors without specialist degrees to be included in certain circumstances, Their incorporation generally involves “a potentially exceptional requirement” and their contracts are terminated when a specialist physician is appointed, “without any decision being considered abusive or arbitrary.”

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