Who threatens social welfare in our region?

On Wednesday, February 28 at 4:00 pm Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil time (UTC-3), InfoCLACSO will go live on the YouTube channel and Facebook and LinkedIn profiles.

-Kareena BathyaniThe Executive Director of CLACSO talks about its participation in the meeting on “Public Policy of Social Dialogue”, organized in Colombia by the Deputy Ministry of Social Dialogue, Equality and Human Rights.

-Interview with the Deputy Minister of Higher Education of Colombia, Alejandro Alvarez Gallego.

,fernanda pumpinAttended by the Director of Editorial Production at CLACSO 32nd Havana International Book Fair,

Within the framework of the “14th International Congress of Higher Education Universities 2024” in Havana, CLACSO organized the Forum.Higher education and social change“On Tuesday, February 6.” Part two of the interview with clacso.tv,

-Rene Ramirez, from UNAM of Mexico, Coordinator of the Science, Technology and Innovation Axis of CRES UNESCO. Former Minister of Higher Education of Ecuador.

,Aniska Ortiz PerezRector of the University of Holguín in Cuba.

,rodrigo arimRector of the University of the Republic of Udelar, Uruguay.

,Mercedes Munoz FernandezJournalist, professor at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana.

,Kenneth Fowler BerengerProfessor at the Faculty of Latin American Social Sciences (FLACSO), Cuba Program.

,Marlene Vazquez PerezDirector of the Mars Study Center in Havana.

-Rafael Lorenzo MartinMethodologist of the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation of the University of Holguín, Cuba, member of the CLACSO WG.

-Luis Emilio Aybar Toledo“Juan Marinello,” director of the Cuban Institute of Cultural Research.

,Yeisa Sarduy HerreraSociologist, Juan Marinello, assistant researcher at the Cuban Institute of Cultural Research and director of the journal Profiles de la Cultura Cubana of said institute, holds a Master’s degree in Social Development from Flexo Cuba.

The program for Wednesday, February 28 covers two axes platform for social dialogue CLACSO promotes this for years to come: “Rights, Violence and Gender Equality” And “Right to education, public policies and educational options (higher education)”,

she drives: Gustavo Lema, CLACSO Director of Communications and Information

Production and editing: Guido Fontan

Production: Eric Domergue, Noelia Croci, Agustina Castaños and Angel Davila

Design and programming: Sebastian Higa, Marcelo Giardino, Christian Ituricha, Virginia Sualdo and Camila Pastor

Open to the management of the Executive Secretariat and members of the CLACSO Steering Committee to disseminate activities and topics specific to each country, this communication channel is also a space to analyze and deepen the platforms of social dialogue (PDS) promoted by CLACSO . Over the next few years, interview researchers, and everything that makes up the life and production of the Latin American Social Sciences Council.

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