Why being happy is not the same as being happy. lifestyle

The International Day of Happiness is celebrated every 20 March, an initiative that began in Bhutan and was approved by the United Nations in its resolution of 28 June 2012 “to promote the integration of happiness into public policies”. According to the United Nations General Assembly, “Governments and international organizations should invest in conditions that promote happiness by protecting well-being and the environment in policy frameworks such as the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.”

But what is happiness? Throughout history, philosophical thought has asked this question on countless occasions. Seneca, in about happiness ,blessed life), said that “all human beings wish to live happily”, so we all aspire to such a state and to do so we will first discover what it is, what it involves. Such a transcendent question is one reason for the birth of ethics in ancient Greece. Socrates said, “The secret of happiness is found not in the pursuit of more, but in the development of the capacity to enjoy less.” For the philosopher, happiness comes “not from external rewards or recognition, but from internal success, because by reducing our needs we can learn to appreciate the simplest pleasures.” For Plato, “The man who makes everything that leads to happiness depends on himself, and not on others, has adopted the best plan for living happily.” There are countless quotes from great thinkers throughout history.

For its part, the Royal Spanish Academy defines happiness as “a state of pleasant spiritual and physical satisfaction.” Also as “person, situation, object or group of them that contributes to happiness” and, in its third meaning, as “the absence of discomforts or setbacks”. On the other hand, psychology also has its own explanation.

what does psychology say

“Happiness is a complex concept that includes both subjective and objective aspects of a person’s life,” says Rebecca Gomez, a psychologist at the European Institute of Positive Psychology. Although it itself may be intangible, its manifestations, such as emotional well-being, can be measured and are tangible from a psychological perspective. The expert says, “It is important to understand that happiness is a fluctuating and dynamic experience and it may be unrealistic to be happy all the time, as life is full of emotional ups and downs.” And he adds: “The pursuit of happiness involves effectively managing any emotions, including unpleasant ones, and creating a sense of general satisfaction.” For this psychologist, it’s best to focus on activities and aspects of life that provide meaning and satisfaction: “Happiness often comes naturally when you immerse yourself in authentic experiences and focus on the process rather than just the outcome.” Let’s concentrate”.

When talking about happiness it is important to clarify that being happy is not the same as being happy. “Being happy can refer to a momentary state, while being happy means a more permanent and general state of well-being. In fact, positive psychology focuses on developing and enhancing personal strengths and promoting a broader sense of happiness and satisfaction with life. Focused on giving.” Life,” Gomez explains. How are happy people? Do they have similar characteristics? The answer is yes. According to Gomez, it is very common for them to exhibit characteristics such as gratitude, empathy, and positive social interactions. He explained, “It is also the identification and promotion of individual strengths that contributes significantly to the general welfare.”

However, the expert adds, “It is very important to remember that happiness by no means means the absence of problems, but rather the ability to deal effectively with them when they arise. In fact, emotional resilience Developing and using positive coping strategies may make it possible for a “person to find happiness even in challenging and complex situations.” Gomez says, “Achieving happiness usually involves meaningful experiences, healthy relationships, personal accomplishments, the practice of gratitude.” and is achieved by engagement with activities that bring meaning and purpose to life.” “A happy person may be completely realistic, contrary to what is mistakenly believed, because their mind is an evaluator of situations, But they also have the ability to focus on the positive aspects and find creative solutions.” Positive psychology, the expert explains, “does not deny life’s difficulties, but rather promotes a balanced perspective in which there are positive aspects amid the challenges.” “Happiness is a personal journey that involves balancing realistic expectations, developing meaningful relationships, and finding satisfaction in personal growth. These practices, combined with a positive attitude and appreciation of everyday experiences, can contribute significantly to a fuller and more satisfying life,” he summarizes.

happiness and stress

One of the disruptive factors that most hinders the feeling of happiness is stress, and it is rampant in the work environment. Ana Hernandez, a consultant specializing in stress regulation in corporate environments to improve the efficiency and well-being of employees, believes that it is absolutely possible to be happy in a job, even if it is not desired. “The main thing is to keep a mental attitude towards it, that is, ask yourself questions such as what contribution will your professional work make to society or why do you need the job, because choosing for economic reasons is not the same as Choosing a location or because that’s what you were trained to do.” He further says, all these questions help you connect the purpose of your daily work with your dedication.

Can you be happy in a job you don’t like? Experts confirm that it is: “It’s all about the interpretation you want to give it and the focus, for example, is not on the job you want, but on covering your financial needs. That is, focus on accepting that the situation is not eternal and be prepared to look for the job with which you feel most identified, because not doing so will resign yourself and may lead to unhappiness. .

Stress is a physiological response of the body designed to work in life-threatening situations to help us survive. “There are people who are more productive when an exam or project date comes up because the mind puts all its energy into helping us succeed, but if this level of stress continues, there comes a time when It takes over our mind and that’s when it starts to be harmful, because it becomes somatic and the body loses competition with the mind, that is, it eliminates happiness, because it is not what we are looking for. Want. It gives us life, material or external things, it is called welfare.” However, the expert further adds, “Happiness comes from within, from being calm, being in balance, having confidence in yourself and even though complicated situations arise, facing them as opportunities is what life gives us.” And he offers some advice for those moments: “Keep in mind that there may be a pause in time during that complex episode where we have to face difficult times, but It has an end. You have to trust in the impermanence of situations, because everything ends in the end.”

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