Woman convicted of criminal birth gets freedom in El Salvador

A salvador A woman sentenced to 30 years in prison for the death of her newborn baby has been freed after a sentence review after serving nearly eight years in prison, announced Wednesday a feminist organization that called for the case to be criminalized in childbirth. Condemned as.

LillianShe, who prefers to identify herself only by that name, was released last December and this Wednesday she appeared at a press conference with activists of the group. Citizens for decriminalization of abortion.

“The satisfaction is huge because my innocence was proven despite going through a very long process (in prison),” the 28-year-old woman told AFP.

according to group Citizens for decriminalization of abortionLillian was the last woman to remain in prison out of 73 convicted for causing abortions or obstetric emergencies, having been charged with “aggravated murder”.

In 2015, Lilian gave birth in a public hospital in Santa Ana in western El Salvador, but her baby had complications and was taken to an incubator, dying 72 hours later, a defense lawyer told AFP. Went.Bigail Cortez.

According to the defense, the hospital was “negligent” in the care of the child, but it accused Lillian of “abandonment and helplessness” in order to avoid its responsibility.

Prosecutors filed a charge of “aggravated murder”, for which he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. In 2023, a court reviewed the sentence and his release was ordered.

“We are very happy to close a circle,” declared Mariana Moisa, coordinator of the civic group, as she concluded the so-called “17 and Over” campaign, launched in 2014 with the support of international “Solidarity.”

However, he clarified that there are still about twenty cases in process that must be dismissed or prosecuted.

criminal code Salvadoran law provides for a prison sentence of two to eight years for abortion under any circumstances.

However, prosecutors and judges often classify cases of abortion or voluntary loss of a child as “aggravated murder”, a crime that can carry a prison sentence of 30 to 50 years.

The strictness of Salvadoran law regarding abortion came to the fore in 2013 in the case of Beatriz, a 22-year-old girl who suffered from lupus and who was prevented from having an abortion even though the fetus did not have a developed brain and was condemned . To die.

After the intervention of the Inter-American Court on June 3, 2013 human rights, state mandated A cesarean section was performed on Beatriz and the newborn died a few hours later.

Beatriz died in a traffic accident in 2017, but the Inter-American Court will rule on the case in the coming months.

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