world’s largest prison

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Friday 26 January 2024

Dominican YouTuber Pablo Jose Rodriguez, known as Capricornio TV on his network, traveled to Cuba and was shocked by the country’s harsh reality.

On a visit to a marginalized neighborhood in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba, the content creator learned a little about people in poverty.

As they learn, amid the wave of violence sweeping the island, people use the balls as handmade weapons to protect themselves.

“Everyone here has fought or been beaten,” a resident of Santiago said in an interview. Another youth said, “If they don’t respect me I will catch them and beat them.”

Capricorn TV was shocked by the condition of the houses and the way the people of Santiago live.

“Maybe I had different opportunities that you didn’t have. And in the end, when there’s no money or nothing, this neighborhood becomes a concrete jungle where the strongest survive, the one who fights the hardest , the one who grabs the knife , and “If you don’t kill, they kill you. That’s the reality,” he said.

“So crying because your father didn’t buy you the latest iPhone is not the same as crying with your father because he doesn’t have food. Before condemning an action, let’s stop it first, a country without opportunities Hell for people who were born in the wrong place,” the Dominican lamented.

His most telling words about Cuba were that it felt like a giant prison. He declared, “Cuba’s underworld. The world’s largest prison.”

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