Yasiel Puig’s hit ties game 2 against Lara

Grand Final of Venezuelan Professional Baseball League It came to life last Tuesday, January 23. sharks of la guerra and Cardenales de Lara, were the two candidates who reached this important sporting event.

during the session held yesterday “University Stadium of Caracas”, Salty team enjoyed a comfortable 6×0 victory. Thus profit is being availed in this fixed series.

Like every final, every game is extremely important and yasiel puig He confirmed this with a swing in the bottom of the third episode that revived the team’s motivation.

Yasiel Puig echoes the samba in Caracas

At the moment, the action looks 2×1 in favor of the visitors. However, due to the young age of the meeting, all possibilities were still hidden.

your partner Alcides Escobar, took over from Intermediate as a result of the double. like this yasiel puig He took his second chance with clear objectives.

With two outs and a ball without a strike, Cuban needed the perfect pitch. The impact sent a solid line into right field, which was immediately attacked. Hernan Perez,

However, the situation turned out to be perfect Escobar Second run was scored and thus the score became equal. Later, Puig He was trapped between first and second to give the last out.

yasiel puigcontinued their good attacking performance allowing this final to take on more interest and intrigue.

Below you can enjoy the video of the hit:

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