Yemen’s Houthi rebels conduct military exercise to attack Israel

Houthi rebels hold their rifles as they take part in a protest in Sanaa, Yemen (Reuters/Khalid Abdullah)

the rebels Yemen Houthis He organized large-scale military exercises Simulates a hypothetical attack against Israel This includes attacks in the Negev desert, including a “virtual” attack on the settlement of Dimona.

exercises with names “Jerusalem on our way”It is carried out by the reserve forces of the Sixth Military District with the support of air force and artillery units, which are keen to “confront the hegemonic and arrogant forces led by the United States, the United Kingdom and the Zionist entity”, in reference to Israel. According to Sabah, the rebels’ informal agency.

The media indicates that these units “During the exercise they attacked virtual positions of the Zionist enemy in the Negev and captured the Dimona settlement, as well as enemy positions and leadership centers. Houthi troops also carried out ambushes against hypothetical American and British forces that might have come to the aid of Israeli communities in the desert.

It should be remembered that Dimona is located about 2,000 kilometers north of the Yemeni capital Sanaa, under the control of the Houthis, who to enter would have to cross Saudi airspace or embark on a journey through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. through the south of Israel and, from there, travel the 250 kilometers that will separate them from the settlement.

Chairman of the Yemen Revolutionary Committee and great Houthi leader, Mohammed Ali Al HouthiPraising the participants in this exercise, he said, “Heroes ready to face their enemies” at a time when the uprising has begun, within the framework of the war between Israel and Hamas, through drone air strikes. A campaign has been launched against international shipping in the Red Sea. Against US and UK commercial vessels and those attempting to protect them.

The Houthis carried out a military simulation of an attack on Israel (EFE/EPA/Yahya Arhab)

In response, London and Washington have taken initiative An operation to destroy these devices and the launching platforms of any Houthi projectiles Due to which the safety of these ships may be at risk.

In this sense, Al Houthi has declared that “the Americans will have everything to lose” if they continue their campaign of attacks and, as they have done on other occasions, they have denied Said that third countries are providing weapons to their army. “These missiles are 100 percent Yemeni and the American notion that they come from somewhere else is nothing more than an illusion,” said the leader of a movement historically supported by the Iranian regime.

For their part, the Houthi rebels announced this Saturday that they had carried out a comprehensive attack with several naval missiles and 37 drones against American merchant ships and military vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, the largest operation of this type . Pro-Iran groups since the start of the war in Gaza five months ago.

A Houthi spokesman said in a statement on Twitter, Yehaya SariyaSaid the group “attacked the US ship ‘Propel Fortune’ in the Gulf of Aden with multiple suitable naval missiles,” and in another operation “attacked several US warship destroyers in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden with 37 drones “

“Both operations successfully achieved their objectives, thank God,” the Houthi spokesman said, reiterating that the attacks “will continue in response to the oppression of the Palestinian people and the American-British aggression against our country.”

Spokespeople for the group have reiterated on several occasions that in recent weeks the United States and the United Kingdom have carried out bombing raids against their positions to protect shipping. They will not be prevented from continuing their military operations in the region.

Their missile and drone attacks have intensified in recent weeks after Washington classified them as a terrorist group.

Top leader of Houthis, abdelmalek al houthiThe threat came on Thursday with a “new surprise”, saying his group had launched a total of 96 attacks with ballistic missiles and drones against 61 ships in the past five months, since the war in Gaza began in the second week of last October. Have done. ,

(With information from Europa Press and EFE)

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