You. Autonoma launches illustrated guide to everyday well-being

The main objectives of the illustrated guide are to generate conversation, reduce stigma and promote self-care practices.20 mental health concepts for everyday life”, which the Autonomous University of Chile – through its Science Communication Center – launched last Thursday, January 11 and which This scientific culture program “How are you?” Is part of.Which seeks to reflect mental health in our country.

guide, who It can be downloaded for free from the website of the Autonomous University or here. It consists of 20 concepts divided into two areas:

  • 11 concepts of well-being in mental health.
  • 9 concepts about conditions, disorders, and diseases.

Each concept is associated with an illustration, which seeks to illustrate in a more didactic way.

Organizational psychologist, professor at the Autonomous University of Chile and author of this guide, ivan borquezRegarding the content, “We hope that this tool will contribute to the understanding and Our country’s mental health prevention, The language of the guide is familiar and simple, so that it can be understood and discussed with students in families, in work teams and then, why not, in classrooms.”

Regarding objectives, “How are you?” Psychologist and consultant. pointed out that wants ,Enhance abilities to recognize the most common mental health problems. Today, there is a lot of information available on the internet regarding mental health, but often this information is not clear and has no scientific basis, which can increase people’s confusion. On the other hand, with this guide, people can begin to break down stereotypes and false beliefs about mental health problems, which are still taboo today.

For his part, Dr. Iván Suazo, Vice-Rector for Research and Doctorates of the Autonomous University, explained that “We are very happy to be able to launch this content from the Center for Science Communication and the recent UNESCO award.” Chair of Education Scientist for Citizenship. We want to open the public conversation, because mental health has become one of the main concerns of Chileans, especially after the pandemic. Despite this interest, there are still problems in recognizing and understanding mental illnesses, which implies breaking stereotypes and false beliefs, as a first step towards overcoming prejudices and stigma. We believe this material helps those objectives.”

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