This Thursday a young Cuban died in a motorcycle accident in Matanzas.
Lazaro AcostaLachi, known to family and friends, worked as a cook at the Palma Real Hotel in Varadero.
“Palma Real Hotel Group expresses its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Lachi, as we affectionately called him. EPD. May God glorify you. You will be missed. Today Solimar and Arenas Blancas are in mourning”, Luanda said Morinigo, night manager of Palma Real, in the Facebook group “Friends and Followers of Palma Real Hotel”.
As an internet user reported, Lachie was admitted to the hospital after a traffic accident, but unfortunately he died.
“Friends, how strong, we will miss you. Solimar Arenas Blancas we are in mourning,” said young Taimara Flores Padrón on her Facebook.
Many people shared condolence messages on the network.
“Life is difficult and sometimes we do not understand many things, today we are living a sad reality, the loss of a great friend, neighbor and above all son and brother. How sad, Lachi, you left us without Left it as it is. Why is it so? “Life is so unfair, why does it snatch away loved ones full of youth and strength from one moment to the next. You are a warrior, you fought tirelessly but fate betrayed us,” lamented Arlin Reyes Matanzas.
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