Zelensky warns he will not sign any deal handing over Donbass and Crimea to Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky opposes handing over Donbass and Crimea to Russia (Europa Prearchiv)

Volodymyr Zelensky He said this this Sunday Will not sign any kind of agreement that involves handing over Crimea and Donbass to RussiaRebuking his Russian counterpart, Vladimir PutinWho doesn’t really want peace?

Putin “does not want peace with Ukraine”, but wishes to take over the entire country. “He has never wanted peace,” the Ukrainian president said in an interview with British television. Channel 4News.

“If we want to stop this, if the world wants this to not happen again, this aggression should not happen again in a few years, “It’s best to get busy now.”He gave opinion.

“Peace in Europe is only possible if everyone accepts that Ukraine is truly independent,” he stressed, although he acknowledged that “it is clearly better to seek a political solution to regain our independence.” “

Regarding military and economic assistance from the United States and its allies, Zelensky said It is vital for the survival of Ukraine, but it is not enough to achieve victory. “Everyone smiles, hugs you and says you are stable, that you are strong, the leader of the free world, that you are saving democracy. If the Ukrainian people did not have such a president we could lose half of Europe and then the Russian Federation and we would have to give everything. “Bus!” He added.

Zelensky warned that Putin “does not want peace” with Ukraine (Europa Press/Archive)

Zelensky said he did not want to appear ungrateful after all the help he received: “They helped us a lot to persevere and I think they could have helped us win a little more.”

However, “Time passes and people die” while there is a debate over whether to give Ukraine this or that weapon. “So I think this passing time is bloody, very painful. But not everyone understands this. I’ve been saying it since day one,” he said.

Zelensky cited F-16 fighter planes as an example. A year has passed since speculations about this began and the training will continue for six more months. “The F-16s have not arrived yet,” the Ukrainian president said.

The Russian Army, on its part, assured this Sunday A small town in the Kharkiv region has takenIn eastern Ukraine, however, Kiev forces indicated it was of “no significance” from a military perspective.

The announcement signals increased pressure on Moscow’s forces at the front in recent weeks.

Last Thursday Putin’s forces announced the capture of Veseloy, another small town in the Donetsk region in the east.

“The village of Krakhmalnoye in the Kharkiv region was liberated thanks to active operations successfully conducted by units of the ‘West’ military group in the Kupyansk region,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in its report. Diary of his campaigns in Ukraine.

Zelensky again asks for more military aid from the West to counter Russian aggression (Europa Press/Contact/Pool/Ukrainian Presidency)

The town, where about 45 residents lived before February 24, 2022, is located 30 kilometers southeast of Kupyansk, which has been the target of Russian military attacks for months.

Ukrainian ground forces spokesman, Volodymyr FitioSaid on Ukrainian television on Sunday that the capture “has no strategic significance.”

“There are about five houses there. “The Russians destroyed them,” he said. He reported that Ukrainian troops have been moved to reserve positions, where “they maintain defense, preventing the enemy from advancing.”

Facing Russian pressure, Ukrainian officials this week ordered 26 areas in Kharkiv region were evacuatedwhere Kupyansk is located, a decision that affects approximately 3,000 people, including 279 children.

The entire region was captured by Russia at the beginning of the offensive ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February 2022, until a lightning strike by Ukrainians liberated the region in September of the same year, allowing Moscow The soldiers were forced to retreat.

(With information from Europa Press and AFP)

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