Zouhier, convicted of 11M: I apologize to the victims for not shooting Trashoras

Rafa Zouhier is accused of collaborating with the terrorists who carried out the 11 March 2004 attacks. EFE Agency

He was sentenced to ten years in prison for putting the 11M jihadist cell in contact with an Asturian conspiracy that facilitated explosives. After his release from prison, he was deported to Morocco in 2014, where he served a new sentence for drug trafficking. Rafa Zouhier (Casablanca, 1979) is the father of two children, whom he has not seen for five years after separating from his wife, a Spanish citizen – he complains bitterly. In a telephone conversation with LA RAZON from Marrakech, he continues to defend his innocence and tirelessly reiterates that he warned of the sale of explosives. “I am not afraid of death or jail,” he insists.

For the Reason

Twenty years after the attacks, do you regret anything?

I regret that I didn’t stop Trashorous myself without trusting Benemerita to do her job. At twenty years old, after being told that everything was under control, I believed that it was under control. Eventually I realized that wasn’t the case and I regret that I didn’t stop him personally.

The sentence assumes that you did not know that the Islamist cell was planning to carry out the Madrid attacks, but that you were aware of the “terrorist potential” of Jamal Ahmadon, “El Chino”, and that the explosives could be used in terrorist acts. Was. You deny it, but what did you think the explosives would be used for then?

When he reported the explosives to Benemerita at that time, he thought that they would not be used for good. But it is also clear that if you repeatedly denounced throughout 2003, months before the massacre, that explosives were going to be sold, you were confident that the sales of explosives would stop. I was a criminal, a ganja seller and I didn’t want anything to happen, because it affects my business, social concern and people, because innocent people get killed. It is clear that this was not necessary.

Although as a confidant he informed the Civil Guard in March 2003 that Suárez Treshoras and Antonio Toro wanted to sell 150 kg of Goma 2, not once before 11M did he warn them about his contacts with “El Chino” Was.

I do not consider myself a confidant of the Civil Guard. I warned about explosives and twenty years later there is no one who says otherwise.

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