3.8 magnitude earthquake hits parts of Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo

This Saturday, a seismic shock was felt in several places in the Guantanamo and Santiago de Cuba provinces, the eastern region of Cuba. According to the National Center for Seismological Research (CENAIS), the earthquake occurred around 11:46 am local time on March 23.

CENAIS reported that the event, which marked the first earthquake recorded in 2024, had a magnitude of 3.8 and a depth of 25 kilometers, with coordinates of longitude -75.31 and latitude 19.64.

Fortunately, no loss of life or property has been reported as a result of the earthquake so far.

During the past year, the Oriente Fault, which is the main point of seismic activity and acts as a plate boundary south of Cuba’s eastern region, witnessed the highest number of earthquakes in the country, a total of 14 direct.

A total of 7,475 earthquakes were recorded across the Cuban territory, according to the Technical Sub-Directorate of CENAIS, a unit attached to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.

In events of this type, the population is urged to remain calm and follow the instructions of the authorities regarding safety in the event of seismic events.

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