5 factors that most affect the mental health of teenagers

Taking care of the well-being of adolescents is taking care of the future of society. But it is also essential to improve your ability to cope with the challenges inherent in this stage of life and to your general well-being. With good emotional health they are better able to manage stress, academic and social pressures as well as the intense emotions they experience.

“Positive emotional health allows them to establish healthy relationships with their family, friends and coworkers; Which in turn contributes to a sense of belonging and better emotional support,” defends Joan Francesc Serra Pla, assistant child and adolescent clinical psychologist at the Quironsalud Digital Hospital.

As this expert defends, good emotional health will facilitate informed and thoughtful decision making as well as academic performance. They warned, “Teens who experience emotional problems such as anxiety or depression may have difficulty managing stress or daily problems, which may become a risk factor for developing psychological problems later on.”

It is estimated that more than 15% of adolescents suffer from a diagnosed mental disorder, says this psychologist, while highlighting that, annually, approximately 50,000 people die by suicide, making it the third largest group of deaths among adolescents. Is the main reason.

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the number of suicides among adolescents aged 12 to 17 increased by 32.35% between 2019 and 2021, reaching 34 to 45 deaths from this cause. “This makes it more important than ever to work on prevention and emotional health,” says Joan Francesc Serra Pla.

what happens in adolescence

According to this expert from the Quironsalud Digital Hospital, adolescence is an important stage of human development, located between childhood and adulthood (between 10 and 20 years). “During this period, individuals experience significant physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes. It represents a transition stage in which one’s own identity is explored and developed, influenced by many factors such as culture, family, and personal experiences. This is a period of immense growth and self-discovery, where challenges and high emotional intensity co-exist,” he commented.

With this, Serra Pla lists the main factors that, in her opinion, affect the mental well-being of teenagers:

  1. Family environment: The quality of relationships with relatives, emotional support from parents, and family togetherness can have a significant impact on your mental health.

  2. Traumatic or stressful experiences: Events such as the loss of a loved one, a parent’s divorce, bullying, or any type of abuse can have a negative impact; High academic and social expectations, or even competition among peers.

  3. Lifestyle: Sleep quality, diet, physical exercise, school environment, relationships with teachers and classmates or academic performance also influence the way they cope with daily life.

  4. Biological and genetic factors: Genetic predisposition to mental disorders, as well as hormonal changes during adolescence, may play a role.

  5. Access to mental health services: The availability of quality, accessible mental health services can impact adolescents’ ability to get help and treatment when they need it.

4 keys to promoting happiness

With all this, and when it comes to promoting happiness in adolescence, this child and adolescent clinical psychologist associated with the Quironsalud Digital Hospital says that promoting happiness in adolescence is essential for these young people to be “healthy and Is important to promote positive development”, and enhances. The following formula:

1. Build stronger relationships: Foster emotional connections with supportive family and friends.

2. Teach coping and communication skills: Provide tools to manage stress and difficult emotions in healthy ways; Work on assertive communication to avoid risky situations.

3. Promote self-care and autonomy: Teaching healthy sleep, eating, and exercise habits to promote physical and emotional well-being allows teens to make decisions and handle responsibilities appropriate for their age; This helps them develop a sense of control over their lives and strengthens their self-confidence.

4. Support exploration, passion, and optimism: Allow teens to follow their interests and develop activities that give them a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment; They should be encouraged to adopt an optimistic outlook and focus on solutions rather than problems.

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